Library that abstracts a custom data origin as the spine of a table,
and builds a data sheet using columns defined through a yml configuration file. The library
handle the logic of displaying the table and storing the user input values.
Each row can be accessed into a new page that will display a table with one row per object column, (*1)
Download using composer
composer require arkschools/data-input-sheets
Enable the bundle in the kernel
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Arkschools\DataInputSheets\Bridge\Symfony\DataInputSheetsBundle(),
// ...
Create the yml configuration
# app/config/config.yml
color: AppBundle/DataInputSheets/ColumnType/Color
"Brand and model":
columns: ["Brand name", "Model name", "Description", "Color"]
columns: ["Brand name", "Top speed", "Acceleration"]
"Brand name": string
"Model name": string
"Description": text
"Top speed": integer
"Acceleration": float
"Color": color
is an optional section that allows to extend the library with new column types
- Create one sheet per custom data origin
- Create as many views as required, columns can belong to several views
- Create all the needed columns for the sheet and set the appropriate type of each one
Advanced yml configuration
Sometimes a view has too many columns to be displayed as a table for each spine value, in that case the view can be declared like this, (*2)
"Brand and model":
- "Brand name"
- "Model name"
- { column: "Description", hide: true }
- "Color"
All the columns will be displayed when accessed an individual spine element, (*3)
It is possible to lock down a column to prevent modifications via configuration, this is useful if there are periods of time when you don't want users to modify some of the columns, (*4)
# app/config/config.yml
"Brand and model":
columns: ["Brand name", "Model name", "Description"]
"Brand name":
type: string
read_only: true
"Model name": string
"Description": text
Create the spine and its service
This is the most important file and where the spine column data is queried from, we need to create a class that extends
from Arkschools\DataInputSheets\Spine
and add our logic to load
and __construct
, (*5)
class CarsSpine extends Arkschools\DataInputSheets\Spine
private $carRepository;
public function __construct(CarRepository $carRepository)
'Available Cars',
$this->carRepository = $carRepository;
protected function load()
if (empty($this->spine)) {
$this->spine = [];
$cars = $this->carRepository->findAll();
foreach ($cars as $car) {
$this->spine[$car->id()] = $car->getName();
return $this;
Next step is to create a tagged service with our spine, to do so add the tag data_input_sheets.spine
that marks
the service as a data input sheet spine and the sheet
attribute links it with the configured sheet, (*6)
- { name: data_input_sheets.spine, sheet: cars }
Update your database schema
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Create\reuse controller and views
A basic controller and template are provided but we do recommend to build your own one tailored to your project needs, (*7)
If you want to use the default one just add the following route configuration, (*8)
# app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@DataInputSheetsBundle/Controller/DataInputSheetsController"
type: annotation
Available column types
- Uses an input html element to capture the data
- Casts the input value into an integer and stores it in the database as an integer
- Uses an input html element to capture the data
- Casts the input value into a float and stores it in the database as a float
- Uses an input html element to capture the data
- Stores the input value in the database as a string casting empty strings into null values
- Uses a textarea html element to capture the data
- Stores the input value in the database as a string casting empty strings into null values
- Uses an input html element to capture the data
- Stores the input value in the database as a datetime object casting empty strings or malformed dates into null values
- By default it uses PHP DateTime format
d/m/Y H:i
and shows to the user the hint DD/MM/YYYY
these values can be changed through configuration like this
- column: 'Manufacturing Date'
type: 'date'
option: ['d/m/Y', 'DD/MM/YYYY']
- Uses a select element with options '' => '', Y' => yes and 'N' => no
- Uses '', 'Y' or 'N' values casting them into null or boolean and stores them in the database as empty or boolean
- Uses a select element with options '' => '', 'M' => M and 'F' => F
- Uses '', M' or 'F' values and stores them in the database as a string or null
- Requires the usage of the attribute option that contains an array with as first element a service name and as a second element a method name from that service
- column: 'Car Design'
type: 'serviceList'
option: ['app.data_input_sheets.car_lists', 'getCarDesigns']
- A service with the name
should exists with a method named getCarDesigns
that will return and array with the list of allowed values
class CarLists
public function getCarDesigns()
return ['Coupé', 'Sedan', 'SUV', 'Crossover'];
- Uses a select element with the options from the list adding at the start an empty option
- Stores the selected value in the database as a string casting empty strings as null
can be any string that can be used as a PHP object method name
- Requires that the Spine in the
method stores in the spineObjects
property and array of spine objects indexed by the spineId
protected function load()
if (null === $this->spine) {
$this->spine = [];
$this->spineObjects = [];
foreach ($this->cars as $car) {
$this->spine[$car->id] = $car->getModel();
$this->spineObjects[$car->id] = $car;
return $this;
- Spine objects should have a method named
and arguments can be optionally passed to that method through the option
- column: 'Car length'
type: '->getLength'
option: ['meters']
- It is used just to display values, nothing will be stored in the database
Advanced use cases
Out of the box this library allow user to store the data in a table created by the library, but this behaviour can be changed, (*9)
Data not stored in the default entity manager
A different Entity Manager can be set by adding a parameter to the parameters.yml
file, (*10)
data_input_sheets.entity_manager_name: data
Data stored in library user controlled table
A custom table can be set to store the data input of an specific sheet, (*11)
Create a table with the same structure as data_input_sheets_cell
, in this example is called 'cars', and modify the spine accordingly, (*12)
class CarsSpine extends Arkschools\DataInputSheets\Spine
private $carRepository;
public function __construct(CarRepository $carRepository)
'Available Cars',
$this->carRepository = $carRepository;
From now on that sheet data will be stored in the custom table, (*13)
Data stored in library user controlled entity
More control can be obtained setting an entity class that will store the data of an specific sheet, (*14)
Create the desired entity class with as many properties as columns needs the sheet, for this example it would require
, brand
, model
and description
, please take into account the column types when setting the entity property types, (*15)
Then modify accordingly the spine class, (*16)
class CarsSpine extends Arkschools\DataInputSheets\Spine
private $carRepository;
public function __construct(CarRepository $carRepository)
'Available Cars',
$this->carRepository = $carRepository;
For the previous example this should be the new configuration file content, (*17)
# app/config/config.yml
"Brand and model": ["Brand name", "Model name", "Description"]
"Brand name":
type: string
field: brand
"Model name":
type: string
field: model
type: text
field: description
Create a custom column type
As explained above new column can be added through the configuration parameter extra_column_types
, (*18)
- Extend
abstract class and implement the abstract methods
- Extend the other methods if required for your implementation
- Add the newly created class using the
Create a custom column type as a service
- { name: data_input_sheets.column, type: state }
- The tag
marks the service as a data input sheet extra column and the type
attribute links it with the newly added column type
- The column class has to extend
and add at least the logic for __construct
Filter a spine at view level
A filter can be added on each view to limit the spine elements displayed in that view, (*19)
filters: {age: '>25'}
columns: ["Brand name", "Model name", "Description", "Color"]
In the previous example "Classics" view will just display cars older than 25 years,
to make this possible we need to modify the spine class to have a default filter and to use it during load, (*20)
class CarsSpine extends Arkschools\DataInputSheets\Spine
private $carRepository;
public function __construct(CarRepository $carRepository)
'Available Cars',
$this->carRepository = $carRepository;
protected function defaultFilter()
return ['age' => null];
protected function load()
if (empty($this->spine) || $this->filtersChanged) {
$this->spine = [];
if (empty($this->filters['age']) {
$cars = $this->carRepository->findAll();
else {
$cars = $this->carRepository->findByAge($this->filters['age']);
foreach ($cars as $car) {
$this->spine[$car->id()] = $car->getName();
$this->filtersChanged = false;
return $this;
Filter a spine via user selection
Apart of the filters that can be added at the view level of the configuration file, a custom selector can be added after choosing a view
and before showing its content. This selector can be used to narrow further down the spine elements displayed in the view., (*21)
As we saw previously a Spine
can extend the methods defaultFilter
to add a configuration level filter and the load
method to make use of it, the idea behind this new filter is to add the user selection filter to this very same place., (*22)
To make it possible we need to create a new class that extends Arkschools\DataInputSheets\Selector\AbstractSelector
, (*23)
class DealerSelector extends Arkschools\DataInputSheets\Selector\AbstractSelector
const DEALER = 'dealer';
private $dealerRepository;
public function __construct(DealerRepository $dealerRepository)
$this->dealerRepository = $dealerRepository;
$this->filters = [self::DEALER => null];
public function render(\Twig_Environment $twig, array $filters): string
// $filters contains filters that are declared in the spine, like age in the previous example
$dealers = $this->dealerRepository->findAll();
return $twig->render(
['dealers' => $dealers]
public function applyFilters(Request $request): bool
$dealer = $request->query->get(self::DEALER);
$changed = false;
if ($this->filters[self::DEALER] !== $dealer) {
$this->filters[self::DEALER] = $dealer;
$changed = true;
return $changed;
public function isRequired(): bool
return empty($this->filters[self::DEALER]);
Then add the selector as a service tagged with data_input_sheets.selector
and a type that will be used in the configuration, (*24)
- { name: data_input_sheets.selector, type: dealer }
Next step is to create the Twig template that will display the selector, it should be something like this, (*25)
<form name="selector" method="get">
<label for="{{ constant('AppBundle\\DataInputSheets\\DealerSelector::DEALER') }}">Dealer:</label>
<select class="form-control" name="{{ constant('AppBundle\\DataInputSheets\\DealerSelector::DEALER') }}">
<option value="">Dealers:</option>
{% for dealer in dealers %}
<option value="{{ dealer.code }}">{{ }}</option>
{% endfor %}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Continue</button>
And finally modify the sheet configuration file to make use of the new selector, (*26)
# app/config/config.yml
selector: 'dealer'
"Brand and model":
columns: ["Brand name", "Model name", "Description"]
"Brand name": string
"Model name": string
"Description": text