Sitemap.xml implementation with support for multiple languages (on different domains) and URLs for database entries
OAuth2 Server for TYPO3
Use Smarty in Templates instead of Fluid
A typo3 extension to collect, distribute and show prayer requests
Waldhart Shop dummy to claim vendor name
Waldhart Shop dummy to claim vendor name
Will generate a PDF version of any page using wkhtmltopdf.
Context configuration loader for TYPO3 (TYPO3_CONTEXT)
Product management for TYPO3
Text & Media Pre styled for Bootstrap
Yoast SEO for TYPO3
Wufoo forms integration for TYPO3
An extension to sync forms between TYPO3 and Mautic
Make it possible to configure the default upload folder for a certain TCA column
Doctrine2 ORM Support for TYPO3 CMS.
Skeleton for TYPO3 template extension
Basic authentication (htaccess) support for frontend pages
Monitors TYPO3 installation for updates and security issues (Requires an account on
Service to route HTTP/REST requests to your own TYPO3 controllers.
A TYPO3 extension that integrates the Twig template engine into TYPO3 CMS.
Adds a lightweight Blog to your Typo3 Site.
Adds a plugin to display the daily german watchwords (Losungen).
The Developer's Log extension provides development logging/debugging functionality for usage of GeneralUtility::devlog() and a BE module to browse the logs.
Provides a REST interface for TYPO3.
This TYPO3 extension provides an API to communicate with socials networks. So it's possible for example to publish newly created news (or whatever you like) directly into social networks.
Provides a backend module to convert locallang.xml and locallang.php files to xliff. For every language, contained in the source file, an extra file gets created.
Easy on Humans, Hard on Bots
Sessionplaner for TYPO3Camps
Managing lots of books is not easy without a good tool. The book library tries to help you keeping an overview your books and to search easily information about each book.
Oauth for frontend
Tool to kickstart and maintain TYPO3 extensions
TYPO3_DB compatibility layer for TYPO3 v9.x
Extend EXT:news with event and calendar functionality
Versatile news import from ICS + XML (local files or remote URLs) including images and category mapping
Mailchimp integration for EXT:form
Define allowed or denied content element types in your backend layouts
Find usages of DatabaseConnection class
Modern TYPO3 Frontend User Registration.
Generic contact extension