Extension for A/B-Tests, (*1)
This extension supports TYPO3 administrators in performing A/B tests. This is useful when a site owner want to measure whether a new version improves or reduces user interaction compared to the current version., (*2)
Page properties get a new field "B Page" where you can provide the alternative page version. If the page is requested by the user, the extension checks wheter there is a B version specified. If this is the case, the version is selected by "random". A cookie is set that remembers which version the user got (so there is no flip-flop if the user requests the page repeatedly). Once the cookie expires, the user is back to random at the next request., (*3)
Additional header information may be specified both for the original version as well as for the B version. This allows to track version differences in a web analysis tool such as Analytics., (*4)
, (*5)
You have two options to define the parameter: By page settings or by TypoScript:, (*6)
On original page (version A):, (*7)
<script> dataLayer.push({'variant': 'a'}); </script>
On version B:, (*8)
<script> dataLayer.push({'variant': 'b'}); </script>
[globalVar = GP:abtest = a] page.headerData.129 = TEXT page.headerData.129.value ( ) [global] [globalVar = GP:abtest = b] page.headerData.129 = TEXT page.headerData.129.value ( ) [global] page.headerData.130 = TEXT page.headerData.130.value ( .... )