9999999-devLock Element
The Requires
typo3 cms
v1.0.1 Element
The Requires
typo3 cms
v1.0.0 Element
The Requires
typo3 cms
Lock Element
This extension makes it possible for TYPO3 backend users to lock single pages or content records from being deleted., (*2)
The recommended way to install the extension is using Composer., (*3)
Run the following command within your Composer based TYPO3 project:, (*4)
composer require simonschaufi/lock-element
Download and install the [extension][3] with the extension manager module in the TYPO3 backend., (*5)
We follow [semantic versioning][5], which means, that * bugfix updates (e.g. 1.0.0 => 1.0.1) just includes small bugfixes or security relevant stuff without breaking changes, * minor updates (e.g. 1.0.0 => 1.1.0) includes new features and smaller tasks without breaking changes, * and major updates (e.g. 1.0.0 => 2.0.0) breaking changes wich can be refactorings, features or bugfixes., (*6)
Pull Requests are gladly welcome! Please don't forget to add an issue and connect it to your pull requests. This is very helpful to understand what kind of issue the PR is going to solve., (*7)
Bugfixes: Please describe what kind of bug your fix solve and give us feedback how to reproduce the issue. We're going to accept only bugfixes if we can reproduce the issue., (*8)
Lock Element
typo3 cms
Lock Element
typo3 cms
Lock Element
typo3 cms