This TYPO3 extension exists for a sole purpose: to fix the bug reported on, (*1)
The workaround is implemented by hooking into DataHandler to perform the following logic when in a draft workspace:, (*2)
type fields in tables that are workspaces enabledinline
field typesflex
column value from the record that has the correct value to the one that doesn't (see issue) The result is a corrected database record structure for both the draft and placeholder records, which prevents the described duplication issue when the workspace is published., (*3)
The extension is available through Packagist:, (*4)
composer require namelesscoder/inline-fal-fix
The extension can also be downloaded manually from GitHub and installed on non-composer enabled TYPO3 sites., (*5)
The reason this extension exists is the rather long perspective of solving this problem in the TYPO3 core itself. This could take a significant amount of time - meanwhile, this extension is provided to work around the specific issue until an official fix can be released., (*6)