DOI System for TYPO3 CMS
This is a TYPO3 CMS extension emulating an OAI server. OAI stands for Open Archives Initiative, a protocol for Metadata Harvesting., (*1)
The URLs given as example are encoded., (*2)
# Return all document
Under the hood, the URL is decoded and corresponds to something like::, (*3)
The configuration is done via TypoScript., (*4)
Install via composer or clone the extension into /path/typo3conf/ext/., (*5)
$ composer require fab/doi-system, (*6)
Go to Extension Manager and activate the extension doi_system., (*7)
Add a rewrite rule to your .htaccess:, (*8)
RewriteRule ^doi/(.*)$ /index.php?eID=doi_system [QSA,L], (*9)
or, if you are using Nginx:, (*10)
rewrite ^/doi/(.*)$ /index.php?eID=doi_system last;
Now you can start fetching content with doi/
., (*11)