9999999-devThis is a Backend-related extension to manage both Backend and Frontend users from the edit form of Backend/Frontend groups. Easily assign users to groups or remove them from groups.
The Requires
- php >= 5.3.0, <= 7.0.99
- typo3/cms-core >= 6.2.0, <= 7.99.99
typo3 cms be_groups be_users fe_groups fe_users
1.2.0 is a Backend-related extension to manage both Backend and Frontend users from the edit form of Backend/Frontend groups. Easily assign users to groups or remove them from groups.
The Requires
- php >= 5.3.0, <= 7.0.99
- typo3/cms-core >= 6.2.0, <= 7.99.99
typo3 cms be_groups be_users fe_groups fe_users