Rollbar integration for TYPO3
This is more or less the Rollbar library with autoload and config conventions., (*1)
A note on composer mode
To make this plugin compatible with TYPO3 installations in both
"Composer mode" and legacy non-Composer mode, we cannot
"require" Rollbar automatically in composer.json
(sorry!). That's because, even in non-composer mode, TYPO3 (v6, for
example) will throw an error that rollbar/rollbar
is not present in the system, because (apparently) TYPO3 reads the
file and tries to understand dependencies based on it, regardless of which mode you're using., (*2)
So: If you include this plugin via Composer (using Composer mode), you will need to manually include the dependency
along with it -- it will be suggested but not auto-installed as a dependency., (*3)
A note on autoloading (non-Composer mode)
We don't include the Rollbar library with this extension. If you're including this plugin the old-school way (through
the extension manager, or via a Git submodule), you won't have the Rollbar library or its internal dependencies on hand.
You must autoload them with Composer. One way to do this is like so:, (*4)
- Add composer.json to your project root, adding
as a dependency
composer install
- Include the composer
in the project by require_once
ing it from the top of the file
- If you're using a deployment system (like Capistrano) or other automated deployment approach, you'll need to be sure
and add a
composer install
step to your deployments :wink:
Quick start
The config can be specified like, (*5)
* Rollbar config
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['rollbar'] = array(
'rollbar_enabled' => true, // You can use this to turn it off/on
'rollbar_config' => array(
'access_token' => '[my-server-side-access-token]',
'environment' => 'my-environment-name', // This is arbitrary and will scope your reporting in Rollbar
* These are defaults
// 'set_exception_handler' => false,
// 'set_error_handler' => false,
// 'report_fatal_errors' => true,
);, (*6)
* Initialize Error Handling. Do this after the rollbar config. The error handling must get
* instantiated early on, which is why we don't use helper methods from ExtensionManagementUtility, etc.
require_once(PATH_site . 'typo3conf/ext/rollbar/Classes/Utility/Initializer.php');
\CIC\Rollbar\Utility\Initializer::initErrorHandling();, (*7)
Put that in your `typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php`. In general, stuff you put in there is passed directly to
`Rollbar::init()`, so you can use
[any of the options supported by Rollbar::init()](
NB: The "root" config value (for path mapping with your SCM repo) will be automatically assigned to `PATH_site` for you,
unless you override it by specifying a value yourself.
If you're using the default `set_exception_handler=false` and `set_error_handler=false`:
* You'll still get any fatal errors automatically
* You can manually catch/report exceptions like so:
try {
// ... do a lil dance
} catch (\Exception $e) {
* Send the exception to Rollbar
* Or you could do one of these:
* \CIC\Rollbar\Utility\RollbarUtility::reportWarning($e);
* \CIC\Rollbar\Utility\RollbarUtility::reportNotice($e);
TYPO3 Content Object Renderer exceptions
Sometimes the TYPO3 core ContentObjectRenderer
throws exceptions, which, in production, is amazing because your user,
on the frontend, will see something like,, (*8)
Oops, an error occurred! Code: 201705082151141a71f8db, (*9)
And no other exception will be thrown, nor logged. :sweat:, (*10)
To remedy this you've got to add a little typoscript to your site. Under the "Includes" tab on your main typoscript
template, add the Rollbar Content Exception Handling
typoscript., (*11)
Best of luck to you in all your endeavors., (*12)