9999999-dev Cache Cleaner for TYPO3
cache typo3 cms
CLI Cache Cleaner for TYPO3
You can use this extension to clear your typo3-caches programmatically., (*1)
You have to create a backend-user named "_cli_lowlevel". The password doesn't matter, but you have to give the user the following TSconfig:, (*2)
options.clearCache.all=1 options.clearCache.pages=1
// First Instance the CacheApiService $cacheCleaner = new BERGWERK\BwrkCacheCleaner\Service\CacheApiService(); // Call one of the following options to clear the cache. $cacheCleaner->clearAllCaches(); // Clear All Caches. Parameter true for hard delete $cacheCleaner->clearPageCache(); // Clears the page cache. $cacheCleaner->clearConfigurationCache(); // Clears the configuration cache. $cacheCleaner->clearSystemCache(); // Clears the system cache $cacheCleaner->clearAllActiveOpcodeCache(); // Clears all active opcode caches $cacheCleaner->clearAllExceptPageCache(); // Clears all except the page cache
Call the cli dispatcher via ssh with the following command:, (*3)
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase cache:run
Also you can add one of the following parameters: page, system, configuration, opc, except_page, (*4)
If you doesn't add any Parameter, it will clear all caches hard., (*5)
Example for clear the page Cache via cli:, (*6)
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase cache:run page
CLI Cache Cleaner for TYPO3
cache typo3 cms