0.3.0 blog plugin for TYPO3 Neos
The Requires
- typo3/flow >=2.0.0-beta1
- typo3/neos >=1.0.0-alpha3
- robertlemke/akismet ~1.0
- robertlemke/rss dev-master
by Robert Lemke
A blog plugin for Neos
This plugin provides a node-based plugin for Neos websites., (*1)
Note: Although this package is in use (for example on robertlemke.com) it is not a full-fledged blogging solution., (*2)
file, just like- name: 'RobertLemkeBlogPlugin' uriPattern: '<RobertLemkeBlogPluginSubroutes>' subRoutes: RobertLemkeBlogPluginSubroutes: package: RobertLemke.Plugin.Blog
As soon as the notifications.to.email setting is configured and neos/swiftmailer is installed, a notification will be sent whenever a comment is submitted., (*3)
If you configure the Akismet package comments will be checked for being spam and marked as such., (*4)
add a page to serve the feed below your posts container node, it can be empty and should be hidden in menus, (*5)
add this to your TS (configuration shows default values):, (*6)
xml = RobertLemke.Plugin.Blog:Feed { feedTitle = 'The Neos Blog' feedDescription = 'A great, new - yet unconfigured - blog powered by Neos' feedUri = '' includeContent = ${false} }
Now when you visit the "feed node" and use xml instead of html in the URL, you should see an XML feed os the blog., (*7)
A blog plugin for TYPO3 Neos