concrete5 fake data
![Software License][ico-license]
, (*1)
Currently supported commands
You can create fake data via the CLI. Start the CLI environment via concrete/bin/concrete5
. Supported commands are:
- fake-data:create:logs --amount 100
- fake-data:create:users --amount 50
, (*2)
Installation Composer based environment
To install this package on a composer based concrete5 site, make sure you already have composer/installers then run:, (*3)
$ composer require a3020/fake_data
Then install the package:, (*4)
$ ./vendor/bin/concrete5 c5:package-install fake_data
Installation normal environment
In a normal concrete5 environment, download the ZIP file, extract its
contents to packages
and run composer install
in the packages/fake_data
directory., (*5)
, (*6)