2017 © Pedro PelĂĄez

propel-behavior propel-behavior-mysql-encryption

Behavior which allows you to encrypt columns using mysql



Behavior which allows you to encrypt columns using mysql

  • Wednesday, February 22, 2017
  • by smolowik
  • Repository
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  • PHP
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  • 2 Versions
  • 100 % Grown


mysql_encryption behavior for propel 2.x

This behavior is written for propel 2.x and it uses mysql functions AES_ENCRYPT and AES_DECRYPT for encryption., (*1)


composer require smolowik/propel-behavior-mysql-encryption

How to use

First you need to define the encryption key:, (*2)


Then, add the behavior to the table:, (*3)

<table name="author" phpName="Author">
    <column name="id" type="integer" required="true" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true"/>
    <column name="first_name" type="varchar" size="50" required="true"/>
    <column name="last_name" type="varchar" size="255" required="true"/>
    <column name="email" type="varchar" size="100" required="true"/>
    <behavior name="mysql_encryption">
        <parameter name="columns" value="first_name,last_name,email" />

In this part you define which columns should be encrypted. In our example, this columns: first_name, last_name and email., (*4)

<parameter name="columns" value="first_name,last_name,email" />

After building the model and update the database schema, you should be able to use encrypted columns as with any other in the table. I use this behavior to getting the list (paginate) with searching and sorting. I use it also to read and write individual rows from the database. If you want to use it in a more sophisticated way, you should thoroughly test it yourself., (*5)


Test was made on Author table with fields id, first_name, last_name and email. Fields first_name, last_name and email are encrypted. The table was 33097 lines., (*6)

With no encryption: - insert (1000 rows) 546ms - findByFirstName (10 rows) 37ms - paginate (page 20 with 50 items and orderedByFirstName) 31ms, (*7)

With encryption with mysql_encryption behavior - insert (1000 rows) 584ms - findByFirstName (10 rows) 128ms - paginate (page 20 with 50 items and orderedByFirstName) 139ms, (*8)

With encryption with uwdoem/encryption behavior - insert (1000 rows) 577ms - findByFirstName (10 rows) not available - paginate (page 20 with 50 items and orderedByFirstName) not available, (*9)

The Versions

22/02 2017



Behavior which allows you to encrypt columns using mysql

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The Requires


The Development Requires

by Aleksander SmoƂowik

22/02 2017


Behavior which allows you to encrypt columns using mysql

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The Requires


The Development Requires

by Aleksander SmoƂowik