2017 © Pedro PelĂĄez

propel-behavior propel2-geocodable-behavior

The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.



The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

  • Tuesday, September 12, 2017
  • by nolazybits
  • Repository
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  • 2 Stars
  • 718 Installations
  • PHP
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  • 17 Versions
  • 9 % Grown



Build Status, (*1)

The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records., (*2)

This behavior uses Geocoder, the Geocoder PHP 5.3 library and requires Propel 2.0-dev and above., (*3)


You need to add it to composer.
Propel will automatically add it to the list of available behavior, (*4)

    zeflasher/propel2-geocodable-behavior": "dev-master"


Just add the following XML tag in your schema.xml file:, (*5)

``` xml , (*6)

Basically, the behavior will add: * two new columns to your model (`latitude` and `longitude`); * four new methods to the _ActiveRecord_ API (`getDistanceTo()`, `isGeocoded()`, `getCoordinates()`, and `setCoordinates()`); * three new methods to the _ActiveQuery_ API (`withDistance()`, `filterByDistanceFrom()`, `filterNear()`). ### ActiveRecord API ### `getDistanceTo()` returns the distance between the current object and a given one. The method takes two arguments: * a geocoded object; * a measure unit (`KILOMETERS_UNIT`, `MILES_UNIT`, or `NAUTICAL_MILES_UNIT` defined in the `Peer` class of the geocoded model). `isGeocoded()` returns a boolean value whether the object has been geocoded, or not. `getCoordinates()`, `setCoordinates()` allows to quickly set/get latitude, and longitude values. ### ActiveQuery API ### `withDistance()` takes three arguments: * a latitude value; * a longitude value; * a measure unit (`KILOMETERS_UNIT`, `MILES_UNIT`, or `NAUTICAL_MILES_UNIT` defined in the `Peer` class of the geocoded model); It will add a `Distance` column on your current query and returns itself for fluid interface. Example use: combine with `orderByDistance()` and `limit()` to return closest matches. `filterByDistanceFrom()` takes five arguments: * a latitude value; * a longitude value; * a distance value; * a measure unit (`KILOMETERS_UNIT`, `MILES_UNIT`, or `NAUTICAL_MILES_UNIT` defined in the `Peer` class of the geocoded model); * a comparison sign (`Criteria::LESS_THAN` is the default value). It will add a filter by distance on your current query and returns itself for fluid interface. `filterNear` takes three arguments: * a model object; * a distance value; * a measure unit (`KILOMETERS_UNIT`, `MILES_UNIT`, or `NAUTICAL_MILES_UNIT` defined in the `Peer` class of the geocoded model). Automatic Geocoding ------------------- At this step, you have to fill in the two columns (`latitude` and `longitude`) yourself. It's not really useful, right ? Automatic geocoding to the rescue! There are two automatic ways to get geocoded information: * using IP addresses; * using street addresses. It provides a `geocode()` method that autoupdate the location values. To prevent autofill when modified, just set `auto_update` attribute to false. This method returns a [`ResultInterface`](https://github.com/geocoder-php/Geocoder/blob/master/src/Geocoder/Result/ResultInterface.php) object, so you can override this method to fill in more fields depending on your model: ``` php <?php class MyObject extends BaseMyObject { // ... /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function geocode() { if (null !== $result = parent::geocode()) { if ($city = $result->getCity()) { $this->setCity($city); } } return $result; } }

Note: You can use both at the same time., (*7)

IP-Based Geocoding

To enable the IP-Based geocoding, add the following configuration in your schema.xml file:, (*8)

``` xml , (*9)

The `geocoder_api_key_provider` can be either a static method returning the api key. A class method in the format `class()->method()` or `class()->method()->subMethod()`, or a class implementing `getGoogleMapsKey` which must return the key. By default, the default Geocoder `provider` is `YahooProvider` so you'll need to fill in an API key. If you want to use another provider, you'll need to set a new parameter: ``` xml <parameter name="geocoder_provider" value="\Geocoder\Provider\HostIpProvider" />

Read the Geocoder documentation to know more about providers., (*10)

This configuration will add a new column to your model: ip_address. You can change the name of this column using the following parameter:, (*11)

``` xml , (*12)

The behavior will now use the `ip_address` value to populate the `latitude`,and `longitude` columns thanks to **Geocoder**. ### Address-Based Geocoding ### To enable the Address-Based geocoding, add the following configuration: ``` xml <behavior name="geocodable"> <parameter name="geocode_address" value="true" /> <parameter name="geocoder_api_key" value="<API_KEY>" /> </behavior>

By default, the default Geocoder provider is YahooProvider so you'll need to fill in an API key but keep in mind it's an optional parameter depending on the provider you choose., (*13)

If you want to use another provider, you'll need to set a new parameter:, (*14)

``` xml , (*15)

Read the **Geocoder** documentation to know more about providers. Basically, the behavior looks for attributes called street, locality, region, fpostal_code, and country. It tries to make a complete address with them. As usual, you can tweak this parameter to add your own list of attributes that represents a complete street address: ``` xml <parameter name="address_columns" value="street,locality,region,postal_code,country" />

These parameters will be concatenated and separated by a comma to make a street address. This address will be used to get latitude and longitude values., (*16)

Now, each time you save your object, the two columns latitude, and longitude are populated thanks to Geocoder., (*17)

HTTP Adapters

Geocoder provides HTTP adapters which can be configured through the behavior. By default, this behavior uses the CurlHttpAdapter., (*18)

If you want to use another adapter, you'll need to use the following parameter:, (*19)

``` xml , (*20)

Read the **Geocoder** documentation to know more about adapters. Parameters ---------- ```xml <behavior name="geocodable"> <parameter name="auto_update" value="true" /> <parameter name="latitude_column" value="latitude" /> <parameter name="longitude_column" value="longitude" /> <parameter name="type" value="DOUBLE" /> <parameter name="size" value="11" /> <parameter name="scale" value="8" /> <!-- IP-Based Geocoding --> <parameter name="geocode_ip" value="false" /> <parameter name="ip_column" value="ip_address" /> <!-- Address-Based Geocoding --> <parameter name="geocode_address" value="false" /> <parameter name="address_columns" value="street,locality,region,postal_code,country" /> <!-- Geocoder --> <parameter name="geocoder_provider" value="\Geocoder\Provider\YahooProvider" /> <parameter name="geocoder_adapter" value="\Geocoder\HttpAdapter\CurlHttpAdapter" /> <parameter name="geocoder_api_key" value="false" /> <parameter name="geocoder_api_key_provider" value="false" /> </behavior>

This is the default configuration., (*21)


William Durand william.durand1@gmail.com
Xavier Martin zeflasher+geocodable@gmail.com, (*22)

https://github.com/collectiveidea/acts_as_geocodable, (*23)

The Versions

12/09 2017



The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


geocoding geolocation behavior propel location propel2 geocodable

08/08 2017


The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


geocoding geolocation behavior propel location propel2 geocodable

01/08 2014


The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


geocoding behavior propel geocodable

02/02 2014


The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


geocoding behavior propel geocodable

23/01 2014


The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


geocoding behavior propel geocodable

26/08 2013


The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

geocoding behavior propel geocodable

10/02 2013


The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

geocoding behavior propel geocodable

09/01 2013


The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

geocoding behavior propel geocodable

27/11 2012


The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

geocoding behavior propel geocodable

13/08 2012


The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

geocoding behavior propel geocodable

13/08 2012


The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

geocoding behavior propel geocodable

13/06 2012


The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

geocoding behavior propel geocodable

29/05 2012


The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

geocoding behavior propel geocodable

12/05 2012


The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

geocoding behavior propel geocodable

06/05 2012


The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

geocoding behavior propel geocodable

30/04 2012


The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

geocoding behavior propel geocodable

22/04 2012


The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

geocoding behavior propel geocodable