Mediawiki extension to automatically set page language at page creation with current user language.
AutoSetPageLang is a mediawiki extension to set automatically the page lang attribute at page creation, using current language of user wich create the page., (*1)
Set page language at creation of new page, using user's language, (*2)
Add 'languageSource', 'Language', and 'isTranslation' properties on saving pages For now, this in only on template named "Tuto Details", this must be parametized, (*3)
Automaticaly set Page revision as ready to be translate when property "complete" is set to "Yes" ( to activate it, set $wgAutoSetPageLangAutoMarkTranslate = true; ), (*4)
add a translate tab, to each page ready to be translated, and when user has translate rights, (*6)
Extract extension ant place it in the 'extensions' directory of your installation. (the directory namme must be 'AutoSetPageLang'), (*7)
Load extension and enable setting page Language in DB in file LocalSetting.php :, (*8)
wfLoadExtension( 'AutoSetPageLang' ); $wgPageLanguageUseDB = true; $wgGroupPermissions['user']['pagelang'] = true;
To disable auto-mark page as ready to be translate :, (*9)
$wgAutoSetPageLangAutoMarkTranslate = false;
To disable remove translate tags on all tutorial not complete :, (*10)
$wgAutoSetPageLangTranslateOnCompleteOnly = false;
Namespace where page must be auto mark for translation : to set allowed namespaces : /!\ DeprecatedVariable use other below, (*11)
default : [], (*12)
Namespace where page must be auto mark for translation after edition : to set namespaces :, (*13)
default : [], (*14)
Namespace where page translation must be auto-updated at each edition (if allready marked) : to set namespaces :, (*15)
default : [], (*16)