Navigate to the page 'Spécial:WfExplore' to see the full explore page, (*1)
'exploreQuery' function just display a list of tutorials, accordint to a semantic query, (*2)
1st param is the query, the second param (optional) is the number limite of results to display. other named parameters can be set : - sort : field to use to sort results - limit : number of result to display - layout : layout to use (see layout config), (*3)
Ex : {{#exploreQuery: [[area::Électronique]] | 8}} {{#exploreQuery: [[area::Électronique]] | sort=editdate|limit=8}} {{#exploreQuery: [[area::Électronique]] | sort=editdate|limit=8| layout=event}}, (*4)
to display explorer in a page, insert the function displayExplore : {{#displayExplore: params}}, (*5)
to add an input box to search pages using Special:WfExplore : {{#exploreinputbox:}}, (*6)
you cant add 2 parameters : the first param is the button text, the second is the placehoder {{#exploreinputbox:GO| placeholder}}, (*7)
2 vars enable to configure filters params :, (*8)
$wfexploreCategories = [ $categoriesName => [ CategorisValueName => CategorieValueLabel, ... ], ... ], (*9)
$wfexploreCategoriesNames = [ 'Type' => 'int:wfexplore-type' , 'area' => 'int:wfexplore-category', 'Difficulty' => 'int:wfexplore-difficulty', 'Cost' => 'int:wfexplore-cost', 'Complete' => 'Complete', ];, (*10)
Note : using prefix 'int' enable to use translation key, (*11)
it is possible to change the layout of results, to do it, set the available layouts in LocalSettings.php : $wgExploreResultsLayouts = [ 'event' => DIR . '/views/layout-event.html' ];, (*12)
then, when calling the explore with parser function in a page, set the 'layout' params : {{#displayExplore: layout=event}}, (*13)
it is possible te define other filter when a layout is given:, (*14)
$wfexploreCategoriesByLayout = [ 'event' => [ $categoriesName => [ CategorisValueName => CategorieValueLabel, ... ], ... ] ];, (*15)
To configure explore for groups like wikifab, here is the config : (it set no filters for groups), (*16)
$wgExploreResultsLayouts = [ 'group' => DIR . '/extensions/WfextStyle/templates/layout-group-search-result.html' ];, (*17)
$wfexploreCategoriesByLayout = [ 'group' => [] ];, (*18)
Default sort order can be configured using the $wfeSortField var in LocalSettings.php. For instance, to sort by date of last change : $wfeSortField = 'Modification date';, (*19)
Explore::OnGetFilters it is possible to change categories using hooks, this is recommended for internationalized wiki., (*20)
Record hooks in LocalSettings, and set a function, for example :, (*21)
$wgHooks['Explore::getFilters'][] = 'onExploreGetFilters'; function onExploreGetFilters(& $filters, $layout) { $filters["Type"] = [ ['Oukou'] = 'Oukoukou', ['Ouka'] = 'Oukaka' ]; return true; }, (*22)