, (*1)
Extension for importing CSV-like structured data into MediaWiki pages using Semantic MediaWiki., (*2)
It basically turns CSV rows into Semantic Subobjects., (*3)
Basic Usage
Content can be saved straight into wikitext pages (only option for older wikis) or also as pure JSON pages (only via SpecialPage interface Special:SDImport
)., (*4)
Namespace configuration
At the time of writting, mappings of CSV columns against Semantic MediaWiki properties can only be done by configuring (custom or not) namespaces in LocalSettings.php
., (*5)
# Example NS definition
define("NS_SDImport", 2000);
$GLOBALS["wgSDImportDataPage"][NS_SDImport] = array();
$GLOBALS["wgSDImportDataPage"][NS_SDImport]["edit"] = false;
$GLOBALS["wgSDImportDataPage"][NS_SDImport]["separator"] = "\t";
$GLOBALS["wgSDImportDataPage"][NS_SDImport]["delimiter"] = '"';
$GLOBALS["wgSDImportDataPage"][NS_SDImport]["rowobject"] = "SDImport";
$GLOBALS["wgSDImportDataPage"][NS_SDImport]["rowfields"] = array("Page1", "Page2");
$GLOBALS["wgSDImportDataPage"][NS_SDImport]["typefields"] = array("Page", "Page");
$GLOBALS["wgSDImportDataPage"][NS_SDImport]["ref"] = array("ref" => "{{PAGENAME}}");
$GLOBALS["wgSDImportDataPage"][NS_SDImport]["prefields"] = array( "", "" );
$GLOBALS["wgSDImportDataPage"][NS_SDImport]["postfields"] = array( "", "" );
$GLOBALS["wgSDImportDataPage"][NS_SDImport]["json"] = true; # Whether content is stored directly in JSON
$GLOBALS["wgSDImportDataPage"][NS_SDImport]["single"] = false; #Whether to store straight properties-values, but not Subobject (rowobject is ignored)
$GLOBALS["wgSDImportDataPage"][NS_SDImport]["form"] = false; #Whether to show a form instead of a spreadsheet (as far as single is true)
$wgExtraNamespaces[NS_SDImport] = "SDImport";
$GLOBALS['smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks'][NS_SDImport] = true;
SDImport interface
There is a preliminary SDImport Special Page (Special:SDImport
) that simplifies uploading content (especially for JSON pages), (*6)
Properties need to be defined in namespace configuration., (*7)
At the time of writing:, (*8)
- First column: Page name (in selected namespace)
- Rest of the columns, according to rowfields values...
JSON schema
Keys defined in JSON schema have precedence in front of what is defined in namespace configuration., (*9)
"meta": {
"app": "SDI",
"version": 0.1,
"rowobject": "Entry",
"rowfields": ["Relation1", "Relation2"]
"data": [
Useful extensions
If we enable $GLOBALS["wgSDImportDataPage"][NS_SDImport]["edit"] = true;
in LocalSettings.php we allow content to be modified by a spreadsheet-like interface., (*10)
However we might be interested to edit in another way. For this we recommend to install 2 extensions:, (*11)
$wgDefaultUserOptions['usebetatoolbar'] = 1; // user option provided by WikiEditor extension
, (*12)