, (*1)
User Interface for hypePrototyper, (*2)
The plugin allows developers to present a visual UI for construction forms. This
can be useful, when working with volatile entity types that will require admin/user
modifications over time., (*3)
, (*4)
Even though this plugins runs on 1.8, your theme will need to support jQuery 1.7+., (*5)
How to Use
Display the UI
Let's assume you have an action to create/edit new books, e.g. books/save
You may want to differentiate what forms to display, based on what library
this book is available in., (*6)
Register an action that will take care of storing the form config, e.g.
., (*7)
echo elgg_view_form('prototyper/edit', array(
'action' => 'books/prototype/save',
), array(
'action' => 'books/save',
'attributes' => array(
'type' => 'object',
'subtype' => 'book',
'access_id' => ACCESS_PUBLIC,
'container_guid' => $library_guid,
'params' => array(
'layout' => array('main', 'sidebar', 'footer'),
Save config
Perhaps the easiest is to store the config as metadata on a library. You can also
use plugin settings, annotations or any method that will allow you to retrieve
the config to feed into the plugin hook., (*8)
In books/prototype/save
, save your config:, (*9)
use hypeJunction\Prototyper\UI\Template;
$container_guid = get_input('container_guid');
$library = get_entity($container_guid);
$prototype = hypePrototyper()->ui->buildPrototypeFromInput();
$library->book_prototype = json_encode($prototype);
Hook into the prototype
elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('prototype', 'books/save', 'book_form');
function book_form($hook, $type, $return, $params) {
$book = elgg_extract('entity', $params);
if (elgg_instanceof($book, 'object', 'book')) {
$library = $entity->getContainerEntity();
if ($library->book_prototype) {
return json_decode($library->book_prototype, true);
return $return;
$book = elgg_extract('entity', $vars);
$library = elgg_extract('container', $vars);
$attributes = array(
'guid' => $book->guid,
'type' => 'object',
'subtype' => 'book',
'container_guid' => $library->guid,
$body = hypePrototyper()->form->with($attributes, 'books/save')->viewBody();
$body .= elgg_view('input/submit', array(
'value' => elgg_echo('save')
echo elgg_view('input/form', array(
'action' => 'action/books/save',
'body' => $body
Now in your action file, all you need to do is use:, (*10)
$guid = get_input('guid');
$attributes = array(
'guid' => $guid,
'type' => 'object',
'subtype' => 'book',
'container_guid' => get_input('container_guid'),
hypePrototyper()->action->with($attributes, 'books/save')->handle();