9999999-devWeb services plugin for elgg
The Requires
Web services plugin for elgg
Elgg is an award-winning social networking engine, delivering the building blocks that enable businesses, schools, universities and associations to create their own fully-featured social networks and applications. The web services plugin can be installed to any Elgg server and it will enable the web services in that server. These web services can be used to provide access to data of that Elgg server and allows developers to build upon and extend their applications in new and creative ways., (*1)
The Elgg web services are essentially RPC web services the output can be requested as JSON as well as XML. These web services are based on Elgg's web services API., (*2)
Any call to the web services can be made by calling the URL, (*3)
``` <site URL>/services/api/rest/<outpput type>/?method=<method name> ```
Other parameters need to be passed by GET or POST depending on the type of web services is being requested. The request type for each web service has been defined later in this document, (*5)
To use these web services in any Elgg installation, just install this plugin. After that generate a API key pair for all the application which use them. This API key willbe needed to passed in every web service request as a variable 'api_key'., (*6)
All the web services are divided in seven broad categories, (*7)
* Core * User * Group * Wire * Blog * File * Like
These web serivces can be enabled or disabled depending on reuirement. Any web services can be disabled or enabled from "Web Services" in Admin settings., (*8)
Web sevices make use of Elgg's API authentication web service for authetication., (*9)
A sample code for authentication will look like this, (*10)
``` $params = array( 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, ); $token = $this->post('auth.gettoken', $params); ```
This token will be used for all web services call in the future. This token must be passed in every call as 'auth_token'., (*11)
A PHP class which can be used by client software is included in the Class folder of source code And a premature sample of JavaScript clietn is in the app/ folder., (*12)
site.test - Heartbeat method to test whether web services are up, (*13)
$info = $client->get('site.test'); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass) public 'success' => boolean true public 'message' => string 'Hello' (length=5)
site.get_info - Get basic information about this Elgg site, (*14)
$info = $client->get('site.getinfo'); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass)[135] public 'url' => string 'http://elgg-master.mbp/Users/brett/Devel/elgg/master' (length=52) public 'sitename' => string 'New Elgg site' (length=13) public 'language' => string 'en' (length=2)
user.get_profile_fields Get profile fields, (*15)
$info = $client->get('user.get_profile_fields'); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass)[3] public 'description' => object(stdClass)[13] public 'label' => string 'About me' (length=8) public 'type' => string 'longtext' (length=8) public 'briefdescription' => object(stdClass)[12] public 'label' => string 'Brief description' (length=17) public 'type' => string 'text' (length=4) public 'location' => object(stdClass)[11] public 'label' => string 'Location' (length=8) public 'type' => string 'location' (length=8) public 'interests' => object(stdClass)[10] public 'label' => string 'Interests' (length=9) public 'type' => string 'tags' (length=4) public 'skills' => object(stdClass)[9] public 'label' => string 'Skills' (length=6) public 'type' => string 'tags' (length=4) public 'contactemail' => object(stdClass)[8] public 'label' => string 'Contact email' (length=13) public 'type' => string 'email' (length=5) public 'phone' => object(stdClass)[7] public 'label' => string 'Telephone' (length=9) public 'type' => string 'text' (length=4) public 'mobile' => object(stdClass)[6] public 'label' => string 'Mobile phone' (length=12) public 'type' => string 'text' (length=4) public 'website' => object(stdClass)[5] public 'label' => string 'Website' (length=7) public 'type' => string 'url' (length=3) public 'twitter' => object(stdClass)[4] public 'label' => string 'Twitter username' (length=16) public 'type' => string 'text' (length=4)
user.get_profile Get profile information, (*16)
$params = array("username" => "admin"); $info = $client->get('user.get_profile', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass)[3] public 'description' => null public 'briefdescription' => null public 'location' => null public 'interests' => null public 'skills' => null public 'contactemail' => null public 'phone' => null public 'mobile' => null public 'website' => null public 'twitter' => null
user.save_profile Update profile information, (*17)
$profile = array('description' => 'description test', 'briefdescription' => 'briefdescription test', 'location' => 'India', 'interests' => 'my interest', 'skills' => 'my skills', 'contactemail' => '', 'phone' => '01234567890', 'mobile' => '11234567890', 'website' => '', 'twitter' => 'tweet', ); $params = array('username' => $this->user->username, 'profile' => $profile ); $info = $client->post('user.save_profile', $params); var_dump($info);
string 'Success' (length=7)
user.get_user_by_email Get all users registered with an email ID, (*18)
$params = array('email' => ''); $info = $client->get('user.get_user_by_email', $params); var_dump($info);
array 0 => string 'Admin' (length=5)
user.check_username_availability Check availability of username, (*19)
$params = array('username' => 'admin'); $info = $this->client->get('user.check_username_availability', $params); var_dump($info);
boolean false
user.register Register user, (*20)
$params = array('name' => 'test', 'email' => '', 'username' => 'test2', 'password' => 'password', ); $info = $this->client->get('user.register', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass) boolean success true int guid 8654
user.friend.add Add a user as a friend, (*21)
$params = array('username' => array ('type' => 'string'), 'friend' => array ('type' => 'string'), ); $info = $this->client->post('user.friend.add', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass) boolean success true string message 'Successfully Added'
user.friend.remove Remove a user from friend, (*22)
$params = array('username' => array ('type' => 'string'), 'friend' => array ('type' => 'string'), ); $info = $this->client->post('user.friend.remove', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass) boolean success true string message 'Successfully Removed'
user.friend.get_friends Get friends of a user, (*23)
$params = array('username' => 'admin', 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 0, ); $info = $this->client->get('user.friend.get_friends', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass)[334] public '3393' => object(stdClass)[300] public 'username' => string 'Tachyon' (length=19) public 'name' => string 'Saket Saurabh' (length=16)
user.friend.get_friends_of Obtains the people who have made a given user a friend, (*24)
$params = array('username' => 'tachyon', 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 0, ); $info = $this->client->get('user.friend.get_friends', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass)[334] public '3393' => object(stdClass)[300] public 'username' => string 'admin' (length=19) public 'name' => string 'Administrator' (length=16)
blog.save_post Make a blog post, (*25)
$params = array('username' => 'admin', 'title' => 'Test blog post', 'text' => 'text of blog post', ), $info = $this->client->get('blog.save_post', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass) public 'success' => boolean true public 'message' => string 'Successfully saved the blog post.' (length=33)
blog.get_post Read a blog post, (*26)
$params = array('guid' => 53, 'username' => 'admin' ), $info = $this->client->get('blog.get_post', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass)[3] public 'title' => string 'This is a new blog' (length=18) public 'content' => string 'this is the content of the latest blog' (length=38) public 'excerpt' => string '' (length=0) public 'tags' => string 'blog' (length=4) public 'owner_guid' => string '43' (length=2) public 'access_id' => string '2' (length=1) public 'status' => string 'published' (length=9) public 'comments_on' => string 'On' (length=2)
blog.delete_post Delete a blog post, (*27)
$params = array('guid' => 53, 'username' => 'admin' ); $info = $this->client->post('blog.delete_post', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass) public 'success' => boolean true public 'message' => string 'Blog post deleted.' (length=18)
blog.get_friends_posts Get latest blog post by friends, (*28)
$params = array('username' => 'admin', 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 0, ); $info = $this->client->get('blog.get_friends_posts', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass)[3] public '55' => object(stdClass)[4] public 'time_created' => string '1310124191' (length=10) public 'title' => string 'This is a new blog' (length=18) public 'content' => string 'this is the content of the latest blog' (length=38) public 'excerpt' => string '' (length=0) public 'tags' => string 'blog' (length=4) public 'owner_guid' => string '43' (length=2) public 'access_id' => string '2' (length=1) public 'status' => string 'published' (length=9) public 'comments_on' => string 'On' (length=2)
blog.get_latest_posts Latest blog post by a user or by all user, (*29)
$params = array('username' => 'admin', 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 0, ); $info = $this->client->get('blog.get_latest_posts', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass)[3] public '49' => object(stdClass)[4] public 'time_created' => string '1310027828' (length=10) public 'title' => string 'title' (length=5) public 'content' => string 'text' (length=4) public 'excerpt' => string 'excerpt' (length=7) public 'tags' => string 'tags' (length=4) public 'owner_guid' => string '36' (length=2) public 'access_id' => string '2' (length=1) public 'status' => string 'published' (length=9) public 'comments_on' => string 'On' (length=2)
group.join Joining a group, (*30)
$params = array('username' => 'tachyon', 'groupid' => 72, ); $info = $this->client->post('group.join', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass) public 'success' => boolean true public 'message' => string 'Successfully joined group!' (length=26)
group.leave Leaving a group, (*31)
$params = array('username' => 'tachyon', 'groupid' => 72, ); $info = $this->client->post('group.leave', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass) public 'success' => boolean true public 'message' => string 'Successfully left group' (length=23) Posting a new topic to a group, (*32)
$params = array('username' => 'admin', 'groupid' => 71, 'title' => 'testing post', 'desc' => 'hello i am testing web services', ); $info = $this->client->post('', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass) public 'success' => boolean true public 'message' => string 'The discussion topic was created.' (length=33) Deleting a topic from a group, (*33)
$params = array('username' => 'admin', 'topicid' => 84, ); $info = $this->client->post('', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass) public 'success' => boolean true public 'message' => string 'Discussion topic has been deleted.' (length=34) Get latest post in a group, (*34)
$params = array('groupid' => 47, 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 0, ); $info = $this->client->get('', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass)[3] public '56' => object(stdClass)[4] public 'title' => string 'test' (length=4) public 'description' => string '<p>test</p>' (length=11) public 'owner_guid' => string '36' (length=2) public 'container_guid' => string '47' (length=2) public 'access_id' => string '2' (length=1) public 'time_created' => string '1310144929' (length=10) public 'time_updated' => string '1310144929' (length=10) public 'last_action' => string '1310321462' (length=10) Get replies on a post, (*35)
$params = array('postid' => 56, 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 0, ); $info = $this->client->get('', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass)[3] public '2' => object(stdClass)[4] public 'value' => string '<p>this i smy reply</p>' (length=23) public 'name' => string 'group_topic_post' (length=16) public 'enabled' => string 'yes' (length=3) public 'owner_guid' => string '36' (length=2) public 'entity_guid' => string '56' (length=2) public 'access_id' => string '2' (length=1) public 'time_created' => string '1310310194' (length=10) public 'name_id' => string '71' (length=2) public 'value_id' => string '70' (length=2) public 'value_type' => string 'text' (length=4) Post a reply, (*36)
$params = array('username' => 'admin', 'postid' => 56, 'text' => 'My reply', ); $info = $this->client->post('', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass) public 'success' => boolean true public 'message' => string 'Successfully posted reply' (length=25) Delete a reply, (*37)
$params = array('username' => 'admin', 'id' => 6, ); $info = $this->client->post('', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass) public 'success' => boolean true public 'message' => string 'Discussion reply has been deleted.' (length=34)
wire.save_post Making a wire post, (*38)
$params = array('username' => 'admin', 'text' => 'test wire post', ); $info = $this->client->post('wire.save_post', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass) public 'success' => boolean true public 'message' => string 'succesfully saved' (length=17)
wire.get_posts Read latest wire post of user, (*39)
$params = array('username' => 'admin', ); $info = $this->client->get('wire.get_post', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass)[3] public 'guid' => string '64' (length=2) public 'time_created' => string '1310558739' (length=10) public 'description' => string 'wire post' (length=9)
wire.get_friends_posts Read latest wire post by friends, (*40)
$params = array('username' => 'admin', 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 0, ); $info = $this->client->get('wire.get_friends_posts', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass)[3] public '64' => object(stdClass)[4] public 'time_created' => string '1310558739' (length=10) public 'description' => string 'wire post' (length=9)
wire.delete_posts Read latest wire post by friends, (*41)
$params = array('username' => 'admin', 'wireid' => 64, ); $info = $this->client->post('wire.delete_posts', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass) public 'success' => boolean true public 'message' => string 'The wire post was successfully deleted.' (length=39)
file.get_files Get file list by all users or a pecific user, (*42)
$params = array('limit' => 1, 'offset' => 0, ); $info = $this->client->get('wire.get_files', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass)[3] public '58' => object(stdClass)[4] public 'title' => string 'deploy' (length=6) public 'owner_guid' => string '43' (length=2) public 'container_guid' => string '43' (length=2) public 'access_id' => string '2' (length=1) public 'time_created' => string '1310301409' (length=10) public 'time_updated' => string '1310301409' (length=10) public 'last_action' => string '1310301409' (length=10)
file.get_files_by_friend Get file list by friends, (*43)
$params = array('username' => 'admin', 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 0, ); $info = $this->client->get('wire.get_files_by_friend', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass)[3] public '58' => object(stdClass)[4] public 'title' => string 'deploy' (length=6) public 'owner_guid' => string '43' (length=2) public 'container_guid' => string '43' (length=2) public 'access_id' => string '2' (length=1) public 'time_created' => string '1310301409' (length=10) public 'time_updated' => string '1310301409' (length=10) public 'last_action' => string '1310301409' (length=10)
likes.add Like an entity, (*44)
$params = array('entity_guid' => 64), ); $info = $this->client->post('likes.add', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass) public 'success' => boolean true public 'message' => string 'You now like this item' (length=22)
likes.delete Unlike an entity, (*45)
$params = array('entity_guid' => 64), ); $info = $this->client->post('likes.add', $params); var_dump($info);
object(stdClass) public 'success' => boolean true public 'message' => string 'Your like has been removed' (length=26)
likes.count Number of likes to an entity, (*46)
$params = array('entity_guid' => 64), ); $info = $this->client->get('likes.add', $params); var_dump($info);
int 3
Web services plugin for elgg