Mailgun - Content Mail-In
, (*1)
Allows users to post new content by emailing it, (*2)
Supports new:, (*3)
- Blogs
- Bookmarks
- Files
- Discussions
Adding a custom parser
To add a new content type to supported items, register a handler for 'mailin:types','mailgun'
and add your type definition to the list. Type definition contains a callable handler and a list of
allowed fields:, (*4)
elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('mailin:types', 'mailgun', function($hook, $type, $return) {
$return['event'] = [
'handler' => 'my_mailin_event_parser',
'fields' => [
function my_mailin_event_parser(\ArckInteractive\Mailgun\Message $message, $fields) {
$date = strtotime($fields['date']);
$location = $fields['location'];
if (!$date || !$location) {
return false;
// save the event
// note that this will be performed via cron, so there is no logged in user
// you will need to set ignored access after checking container/edit permissions
return true;
Once this is set, the user will see a EVENT type with a list of fields in their settings:
Settings > Content Mail-In., (*5)
Users can then send an email in the following format:, (*6)
EVENT: Birthday party
DATE: August 10, 2017 10:00
LOCATION: Some venue
I am hosting a birthday party, so come help me celebrate