CSV Process for Elgg
, (*1)
This is intended for developers who routinely use csvs for functions such as data
imports., (*2)
This plugin aims to take much of the legwork out of csv processing.
It provides an admin page for uploading/selecting the csv, selecting the function
to process the csv, setting csv specific settings, and watching/downloading a log
file showing how the script performed., (*3)
The form for handling csv functions is found at Admin -> Utilities -> CSV Processing, (*4)
Install/unzip/clone to the mod directory of your elgg installation, (*5)
The directory should be named csv_process, (*6)
Enable the plugin through the admin plugins page, (*7)
This plugin requires the vroom plugin
https://github.com/jumbojett/vroom, (*8)
There are only 3 steps required to integrate to this plugin, (*9)
Register a plugin hook handler to declare a callback function, (*10)
Declare your callback function, (*11)
Define your callback function, (*12)
Register your plugin hook handler:, (*13)
elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('csv_process', 'callbacks', 'myplugin_csv_callbacks');
Declare your callback function:, (*14)
function myplugin_csv_callbacks($hook, $type, $return, $params) {
$return['myplugin_csv_process'] = elgg_echo('myplugin:handler:label');
return $return;
The return value is an associative array with your callback function name as the key
and a label describing the function as a value. These will be used to populate
the dropdown input for selecting how to process the csv., (*15)
Define your callback function, (*16)
* @params array()
function myplugin_csv_process($params) {
static $skipped;
// you can always know what line you are on with $params
if ($params['line'] == 1) {
// first line is our column headers, nothing to do here
// the $params['last'] flag indicates that there are is no more data
// this can be used to log any final tallies or information
// when the 'last' flag is true data will be an empty array
if ($params['last']) {
return "{$params['line']} lines processed, {$skipped} skipped users";
// our data is an array in $params['data']
// do something with it
$user = get_user($params['data'][0]);
if (!$user) {
return; // nothing to do here
// we have a user from our data, import something
$user->food = $params['data'][1];
// a returned string from the function will automatically be logged
// but you can always log extra stuff yourself
csv_process\log("my log message", $params);
return 'this will also be logged!';
That's all. Sort out what to do with your data and let this plugin handle the
interface, logging, row iterations, etc., (*17)