9999999-devA starter theme for the Ashworth Creative Development team
The Requires
by Luis Amador
by Ken Newman
A starter theme for the Ashworth Creative Development team
My ultra-minimal CSS might make me look like theme tartare but that means less stuff to get in your way when you're designing your awesome theme. Here are some of the other more interesting things you'll find here:, (*1)
just add the code snippet found in the comments of inc/custom-header.php
to your header.php
that keep your templates clean and neat and prevent code
that can improve your theming experience.js/navigation.js
that makes your menu a toggled dropdown on small screens (like your phone), ready for CSS artistry. It's enqueued in functions.php
for a sidebar on either side of your
that will help you to quickly get your design off the ground.If you don't have a composer.json file created you will need too., (*2)
This packages requires you to add a require dependency call composer/installer to work. The required package to paste in will be this:, (*3)
"require": { "ashworthcreative/ashworth-theme": "dev-master" }, "extra": { "installer-paths": { "{$name}": ["ashworthcreative/ashworth-theme"] } }
A starter theme for the Ashworth Creative Development team