oEmbed is a format for allowing an embedded representation of a URL on third party sites., (*1)
oEmbed was designed to avoid having to copy and paste HTML from the site hosting the media you wish to embed. It supports videos, images, text, and more., (*2)
This eZ extension - loosely based on the WordPress oemabed implementation - offers the oEmbed easy embedding feature via some template operator., (*3)
Enable the extension; clear all caches, (*4)
You can add your own handler by creating a php class which implements oEmbedProviderInterface and adding a oEmbedProviders[] in ocembed.ini., (*5)
Print the html value of oEmbed response., (*6)
The separator
and parameters
variables are not required., (*7)
The separator
value can be a string or an array.
The default separator
value is array( '<div class="text-center">', '</div>' )
, (*8)
The parameters
value must be an array and overrides the default ocembed.ini width and height parameters [OCEmbedSettings].EmbedDefaults., (*9)
Example:, (*10)
{"http://www.slideshare.net/gggeek/ezpublish-meets-simfony2-phpday2013"|autoembed( array( '<div class="media-embed">', '</div>' ), hash( 'width', '425', 'height', '355' ) )}
The example returns (without html comments):, (*11)
<!-- separator --> <div class="media-embed"> <!-- start of result of oembed fetch --> <object width="425" height="355" id="__sse21389517"> <param value="http://static.slidesharecdn.com/swf/ssplayer2.swf?doc=sf2ezpphpday2013-130518043919-phpapp01&stripped_title=ezpublish-meets-simfony2-phpday2013&userName=gggeek" name="movie"> <param value="true" name="allowFullScreen"> <param value="always" name="allowScriptAccess"> <param value="transparent" name="wmode"> <embed width="425" height="355" wmode="transparent" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://static.slidesharecdn.com/swf/ssplayer2.swf?doc=sf2ezpphpday2013-130518043919-phpapp01&stripped_title=ezpublish-meets-simfony2-phpday2013&userName=gggeek" name="__sse21389517"> </object> <!-- end of result of oembed fetch --> <!-- end separator --> </div>
This operator is used in the eztext.tpl and ezxmltext.tpl override templates include in this extension:, (*12)
{* ocembed/design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/eztext.tpl *} {$attribute.content.output.output_text|autoembed()}
Return all embeddable links found in passed text., (*13)
Example:, (*14)
{def $test = $my_long_text_full_of_links|search_embed()}
Returns an array of embeddable urls., (*15)
Return the oEmbed response, (*16)
The url
parameter is required and must be an "oembeddable" url., (*17)
The parameters
value must be an array and overrides the default ocembed.ini width and height parameters [OCEmbedSettings].EmbedDefaults., (*18)
Example:, (*19)
{def $test = get_oembed_object("http://www.slideshare.net/gggeek/ezpublish-meets-simfony2-phpday2013")}
The $test variable contains an associative array of oembed response object., (*20)
If ocembed.ini [OCEmbedSettings] Cache
is enabled, all ocembed results are stored in ezsite_data table under the key 'oembed_cached_data'.
To clear that cache, you can run php extension/ocembed/bin/php/clear_cache_data.php -s<siteaccess>
, (*21)