SilverCommerce Checkout Module
Adds a checkout process, to allow users to pay for an Estimate using configured
omnipay payment gateways., (*1)
Also allows you to overwrite the process so you can add more custom payment integration., (*2)
Install this module using composer:, (*3)
composer require silvercommerce/checkout
, (*4)
By default, this module works with silvercommerce/shoppingcart
out of the box. But it is fairly
simple to use it to create payment workflows for a custom estimate if required., (*5)
Paying for a custom estimate
If you want to create a payment flow for a custom estimate, you simply have to create the estimate,
add some items, add it to the checkout and then redirect. This can be done with a simple bit of code., (*6)
The example below has a custom controller that creates an estimate from a pre-defined product and then
redirects to the checkout:, (*7)
use SilverStripe\Core\Injector\Injector;
use SilverCommerce\Checkout\Control\Checkout;
use SilverCommerce\OrdersAdmin\Factory\OrderFactory;
class ProductRedirectController extends PageController
public function init()
$product = $this->Product(); // Instance of SilverCommerce\CatalogueAdmin\CatalogueProduct
$factory = OrderFactory::create();
$checkout = Injector::inst()->get(Checkout::class);