dev-3.0/developPyroCMS is a powerful, easy to use CMS built for everyone.
The Requires
The Development Requires
- anomaly/default_authenticator-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/activation_security_check-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/blocked_security_check-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/streams-composer-plugin ~0.1
- anomaly/relationship-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/polymorphic-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/checkboxes-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/encrypted-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/datetime-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/language-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/multiple-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/textarea-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/wysiwyg-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/boolean-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/country-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/markdown-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/integer-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/editor-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/select-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/slider-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/email-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/slug-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/text-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/file-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/url-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/dashboard-module ~1.0
- anomaly/addons-module ~1.0
- anomaly/users-module ~1.0
- anomaly/request-plugin ~1.0
- anomaly/helper-plugin ~1.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.4
- anomaly/recent_news_widget-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/decimal-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/settings-module ~1.0
- anomaly/tags-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/preferences-module ~1.0
- anomaly/installer-module ~1.0
- anomaly/addon-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/colorpicker-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/variables-module ~1.0
- anomaly/redirects-module ~1.0
- anomaly/anomaly-theme ~1.0
- anomaly/url_link_type-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/state-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/user-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/configuration-module ~1.0
- anomaly/navigation-module ~1.0
- anomaly/pages-module ~1.0
- anomaly/posts-module ~1.0
- anomaly/local_storage_adapter-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/page_link_type-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/files-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/appearance-module ~1.0
- anomaly/files-module ~1.0
by AnomalyLabs
laravel cms streams pyrocms
dev-3.0/masterPyroCMS is an easy to use, abstracted, and modular CMS built using Laravel.
The Requires
- intervention/image dev-master#fe2d82485676a63b900e53d3bd8b8ca14b6ab6ad as 2.0.14
- anomaly/streams-platform dev-1.0/develop
The Development Requires
- anomaly/default_authenticator-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/activation_security_check-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/blocked_security_check-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/recent_news_widget-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/streams-composer-plugin ~0.1
- anomaly/relationship-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/polymorphic-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/checkboxes-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/encrypted-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/datetime-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/language-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/multiple-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/textarea-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/wysiwyg-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/boolean-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/country-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/decimal-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/markdown-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/integer-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/editor-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/select-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/slider-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/email-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/tags-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/slug-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/text-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/file-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/url-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/localization-module ~1.0
- anomaly/preferences-module ~1.0
- anomaly/dashboard-module ~1.0
- anomaly/installer-module ~1.0
- anomaly/settings-module ~1.0
- anomaly/addons-module ~1.0
- anomaly/files-module ~1.0
- anomaly/pages-module ~1.0
- anomaly/users-module ~1.0
- anomaly/blog-module ~1.0
- anomaly/request-plugin ~1.0
- anomaly/helper-plugin ~1.0
- anomaly/pyrocms-theme ~1.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.4
by AnomalyLabs
laravel cms streams-platform pyrocms
3.0.0-alpha2 is an easy to use, abstracted, and modular CMS built using Laravel.
The Requires
- intervention/image dev-master#fe2d82485676a63b900e53d3bd8b8ca14b6ab6ad as 2.0.14
- anomaly/streams-platform dev-1.0/develop
The Development Requires
- anomaly/default_authenticator-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/activation_security_check-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/blocked_security_check-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/recent_news_widget-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/streams-composer-plugin ~0.1
- anomaly/relationship-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/polymorphic-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/checkboxes-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/encrypted-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/datetime-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/language-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/multiple-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/textarea-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/wysiwyg-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/boolean-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/country-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/decimal-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/markdown-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/integer-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/editor-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/select-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/slider-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/email-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/tags-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/slug-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/text-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/file-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/url-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/localization-module ~1.0
- anomaly/preferences-module ~1.0
- anomaly/dashboard-module ~1.0
- anomaly/installer-module ~1.0
- anomaly/settings-module ~1.0
- anomaly/addons-module ~1.0
- anomaly/files-module ~1.0
- anomaly/pages-module ~1.0
- anomaly/users-module ~1.0
- anomaly/blog-module ~1.0
- anomaly/request-plugin ~1.0
- anomaly/helper-plugin ~1.0
- anomaly/pyrocms-theme ~1.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.4
by AnomalyLabs
laravel cms streams-platform pyrocms
3.0.0-alpha1 is an easy to use, abstracted, and modular CMS built using Laravel.
The Requires
- intervention/image dev-master#fe2d82485676a63b900e53d3bd8b8ca14b6ab6ad as 2.0.14
- anomaly/streams-platform dev-1.0/develop
The Development Requires
- anomaly/default_authenticator-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/streams_ckeditor_integration-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/streams_ace_integration-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/activation_security_check-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/blocked_security_check-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/recent_news_widget-extension ~1.0
- anomaly/streams-composer-plugin ~0.1
- anomaly/streams-distribution ~1.0
- anomaly/pyrocms-distribution ~1.0
- anomaly/relationship-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/polymorphic-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/checkboxes-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/encrypted-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/datetime-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/language-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/multiple-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/textarea-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/wysiwyg-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/boolean-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/country-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/decimal-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/markdown-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/integer-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/editor-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/select-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/slider-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/email-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/tags-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/slug-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/text-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/file-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/url-field_type ~1.0
- anomaly/localization-module ~1.0
- anomaly/preferences-module ~1.0
- anomaly/dashboard-module ~1.0
- anomaly/settings-module ~1.0
- anomaly/addons-module ~1.0
- anomaly/users-module ~1.0
- anomaly/request-plugin ~1.0
- anomaly/helper-plugin ~1.0
- anomaly/pyrocms-theme ~1.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.4
by AnomalyLabs
laravel cms streams pyrocms
The Requires
- cartalyst/sentry 2.1.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.x
- dflydev/markdown 1.0.*
- illuminate/cache 4.1.*
- illuminate/database 4.1.*@dev
- illuminate/filesystem 4.1.*
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.*
- loic-sharma/profiler 1.1.*
- mccool/laravel-auto-presenter *
- nesbot/carbon 1.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.1.*
- pyrocms/lex 2.3.*
- ruudk/twitter-oauth *
- simplepie/simplepie 1.3.*
- thepixeldeveloper/sitemap 2.0.*
- tijsverkoyen/akismet 1.1.*
The Development Requires
- illuminate/encryption 4.1.*
- illuminate/redis 4.1.*
- fabpot/goutte 1.*
- phing/phing 2.*
- phpunit/phpunit 4.*
The Requires
- cartalyst/sentry 2.1.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.x
- dflydev/markdown 1.0.*
- illuminate/cache 4.1.*
- illuminate/database 4.1.*@dev
- illuminate/filesystem 4.1.*
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.*
- loic-sharma/profiler 1.1.*
- mccool/laravel-auto-presenter *
- nesbot/carbon 1.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.1.*
- pyrocms/lex 2.3.*
- ruudk/twitter-oauth *
- simplepie/simplepie 1.3.*
- thepixeldeveloper/sitemap 2.0.*
- tijsverkoyen/akismet 1.1.*
The Development Requires
The Requires
- cartalyst/sentry 2.1.*
- erusev/parsedown 0.9.*
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 4.*
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.*
- laravel/framework 4.1.*
- loic-sharma/profiler 1.1.*
- mccool/laravel-auto-presenter *
- nesbot/carbon 1.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.1.*
- pyrocms/lex 2.3.*
- ruudk/twitter-oauth *
- simplepie/simplepie 1.3.*
- thepixeldeveloper/sitemap 2.0.*
- tijsverkoyen/akismet 1.1.*
The Development Requires
The Requires
- cartalyst/sentry 2.1.*
- erusev/parsedown 0.9.*
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 4.*
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.*
- laravel/framework 4.1.*
- loic-sharma/profiler 1.1.*
- mccool/laravel-auto-presenter *
- nesbot/carbon 1.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.1.*
- pyrocms/lex 2.3.*
- ruudk/twitter-oauth *
- simplepie/simplepie 1.3.*
- thepixeldeveloper/sitemap 2.0.*
- tijsverkoyen/akismet 1.1.*
The Development Requires
The Requires
- pyrocms/lex 2.2.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.x
- cartalyst/sentry 2.0.*
- dflydev/markdown 1.0.*
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.*
- illuminate/cache 4.0.*
- illuminate/database 4.0.*
- illuminate/filesystem 4.0.*
- nesbot/carbon 1.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.1.*
- thepixeldeveloper/sitemap 2.0.*
- ruudk/twitter-oauth *
- simplepie/simplepie 1.3.*
- tijsverkoyen/akismet 1.1.*
- loic-sharma/profiler 1.1.*
- omnipay/omnipay ~2.0
The Development Requires
The Requires
- pyrocms/lex 2.2.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.x
- cartalyst/sentry 2.0.*
- dflydev/markdown 1.0.*
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.*
- illuminate/database 4.0.*
- illuminate/cache 4.0.*
- illuminate/filesystem 4.0.*
- nesbot/carbon 1.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.1.*
- thepixeldeveloper/sitemap 2.0.*
- ruudk/twitter-oauth *
- simplepie/simplepie 1.3.*
- tijsverkoyen/akismet 1.1.*
- loic-sharma/profiler 1.1.*
The Development Requires
- illuminate/database 4.0.x
- illuminate/encryption 4.0.x
- illuminate/filesystem 4.0.x
- illuminate/redis 4.0.x
The Requires
- pyrocms/lex 2.2.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.x
- cartalyst/sentry 2.0.*
- dflydev/markdown 1.0.*
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.*
- illuminate/database 4.0.*
- illuminate/cache 4.0.*
- illuminate/filesystem 4.0.*
- nesbot/carbon 1.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.1.*
- thepixeldeveloper/sitemap 2.0.*
- ruudk/twitter-oauth *
- simplepie/simplepie 1.3.*
- tijsverkoyen/akismet 1.1.*
- loic-sharma/profiler 1.1.*
The Development Requires
- illuminate/database 4.0.x
- illuminate/encryption 4.0.x
- illuminate/filesystem 4.0.x
- illuminate/redis 4.0.x
The Requires
- pyrocms/lex 2.2.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.x
- cartalyst/sentry 2.0.*
- dflydev/markdown 1.0.*
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.*
- illuminate/database 4.0.*
- nesbot/carbon 1.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.1.*
- thepixeldeveloper/sitemap 2.0.*
- quick/cache 1.0.*
- ruudk/twitter-oauth *
- simplepie/simplepie 1.3.*
- tijsverkoyen/akismet 1.1.*
- loic-sharma/profiler 1.1.*
The Requires
- pyrocms/lex 2.2.*
- dflydev/markdown 1.0.*
- dhorrigan/capsule 2.1.*
- illuminate/database *
- quick/cache 1.0.*
- ruudk/twitter-oauth *
- simplepie/simplepie 1.3.*
- tijsverkoyen/akismet 1.1.*