2017 © Pedro Peláez

streams-addon people-module

People module for PyroCMS 3.



People module for PyroCMS 3.

  • Wednesday, June 21, 2017
  • by Wirelab
  • Repository
  • 2 Watchers
  • 0 Stars
  • 254 Installations
  • PHP
  • 0 Dependents
  • 0 Suggesters
  • 0 Forks
  • 0 Open issues
  • 9 Versions
  • 2 % Grown


People Module

People module for PyroCMS 3 with support for dynamic fields and assignments., (*1)

Overwriting the default view

The prefered / project specific way

  1. php artisan addon:publish people
  2. Edit the view view in resources/<site name>/addons/wirelab/people-module/views/people

In a custom theme

In your theme's service provider add the following:, (*2)

protected $overrides = [
    'wirelab.module.people::person/view' => 'your view path here',

Adding fields to people

  1. In the people module go to fields and make a new field
  2. In the people section click on assignments and assign the field

Adding people to a page

  1. Create a multiple field in the pages module, assign it to People > People
  2. Assign the field to a page type
  3. In the page type loop over page.your_slug and call render() on a person. Or call render() on page.your_slug to have it to loop for you. Examples:

```twig {% for person in page.your_slug %} person.render() {% endfor %}, (*3)

Not calling render will return the attributes of the person.
{% for person in page.your_slug %}
    {{ person.name }}
    {{ person.email }}
{% endfor %}

The Versions

21/06 2017


9999999-dev http://wirelab.nl

People module for PyroCMS 3.

  Sources   Download


The Development Requires

pyrocms people wirelab pyrocms 3

21/06 2017
05/05 2017
04/05 2017
04/05 2017
01/05 2017


dev-dealerdirect http://wirelab.nl

People module for PyroCMS 3.

  Sources   Download


The Development Requires

pyrocms people wirelab pyrocms 3

01/05 2017
24/04 2017
22/03 2017