Common classes and interfaces for PHP
, (*1)
Create your first enum type by creating a new class:, (*2)
class TheGuy extends AbstractEnum
const _default = self::NICE_GUY;
const SMART_GUY = 'Mike';
const NICE_GUY = 'Rick';
Thats all., (*3)
Now you can use it:, (*4)
$guy = new TheGuy();
echo $guy->getValue(); // returns Rick
$mike = new TheGuy(TheGuy::MIKE);
echo $mike->getValue(); // returns Mike
echo $guy->equals($mike); // returns false
If no default value will be specified, you must set it as a constructor argument.
If given constructor value will be invalid, \UnexpectedValueException
will be thrown., (*5)
Collections solve few things by implementing following interfaces: \Countable
, \ArrayAccess
, \Iterator
, and \SortableInterface
This gives you an ability to count()
collection, use a foreach
on it, access it like an array $a[1]
and sort its contents $a->sort($sorter)
Apart from regular collections there are also LazyCollection
's that allow you to specify a closure that will initialize collection
contents only if and when it's needed., (*6)
Create your first collection:, (*7)
$collection = new Collection();
Use it:, (*8)
echo count($collection); // returns 3
echo $collection[0]; // returns "item1"
echo $collection->slice(1, 2); // returns Collection with a length of 2 containing item2 and item3.
echo $collection->filter(function($element, $offset){ return $offset % 2 == 0; }); // returns sub-collection with all elements with even offset number
$collection->sort(SorterInterface $sorter); // sorts collection
Lazy collection example:, (*9)
$lazy = new LazyCollection(function(){
return new Collection(array(1, 2, 3));
echo $lazy[2]; // initializes the closure and returns "3"
It should not happen but sometimes does - you have a method with many different response types, but want to handle it like a pro:, (*10)
$messedUpResponse = $api->getMeSomeChickens(); // returns "Chicken" **or** "Collection" **of** "Chickens" **or** "no" as an error response :-)
$result = new UnknownType($messedUpResponse);
throw $result->getAsException();
UnknownType can be extended and customized :-), (*11)
Paginator is fully compatible with CollectionInterface. It's task is to split large collections into pages., (*12)
$page = 2;
$itemsPerPage = 10;
$products = new Collection(...);
$paginator = new Paginator($products, $page, $itemsPerPage);
echo $paginator->getPage(); // returns a collection with size of 10 for current page
echo $paginator->getNextPageNumber(); // returns "3"
echo $paginator->hasNextPage(); // returns bool true or false
- added CollectionInterface::exists(Closure $c) method to Collection
- removed Serializable interface from Collection
- added Serializable interface to LazyCollection
- added deprecation mark to LazyCollection which will became final in 1.3
- added CollectionProxy class
- added CollectionInterface::sort(SorterInterface $sorter) for collections
- added EnumInterface::equals(EnumInterface $enum) for enums
- added UnknownType::isSortable() for unknown type
- re-worked Enum type:
- added deprecation mark to Enum class as it will be changed to abstract in 1.3
- added default value for enums
- AbstractEnum::isValid($val) is now static
- added AbstractEnum:equals(EnumInterface $enum)
- updated README
- Collection::current() now returns null on empty collection
- added PaginatorInterface
- added default, optional, value holders for page number getters
- added Collection::forAll(Closure $c) method in collections
1.0.3 (cannot be downgraded)
- changed paginator behaviour - will return closest matching page ig page number is out of range or empty collection
- added getters for last page and its number
1.0.2 (cannot be downgraded)
- fixed paginator page hasser that returned false positives
- fixed slice() to not use array_slice on Collections
- paginator changes; added hassers and getters for pages, toString method (returns current page number), changed constructor
1.0.1 (cannot be downgraded)
- added paginator that can handle large collections and split them between pages of given length
- reset internal pointer after filter() in collections
- added first() and last() method in collections
- fixed exception message in UnknownType for getAsCollection() method
First release, (*13)
Installation (Composer)
"require": {
Running tests
// Windows
composer install & call ./vendor/bin/phpunit.bat ./tests
All code contributions must go through a pull request.
Fork the project, create a feature branch, and send me a pull request.
To ensure a consistent code base, you should make sure the code follows
the coding standards.
If you would like to help take a look at the list of issues., (*14)
See composer.json for a full list of dependencies., (*15)
Jacek Kobus -, (*16)
See the file LICENSE.txt for copying permission.