Welcome This is Mohammed Shalgham
happy to use my Package
This pacage For Public Resused Services in php, (*1)
how to use This Package
run this line of code to ur composer.json file
'composer require Sadara/SadaraProv:dev-master'
after fininshing installation, (*2)
run this line 'php artisan vendor:publish', (*3)
fixing to use
after finishing installation open 'config.app.php'
copy this line to provider
'Sadara\SadaraProv\SadaraProvider::class,', (*4)
and this line to aliases
''Sadara' =>Sadara\SadaraProv\SadaraFacades::class,', (*5)
use inside ur code
Sadara::getFile() 'to read file content, (*6)
Sadara::getLike($url) 'to read how many like of specified page on facebook, (*7)