2017 © Pedro Peláez




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SocialCrawler is a PHP library for retrieving images and videos posts from the most popular social networks if they contains specific hashtags. It currently supports the following social networks:, (*1)

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Google+


The recommended way to install SocialCrawler is through Composer., (*2)

# Install Composer
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

Then add SocialCrawler as a dependency in your composer.json file., (*3)

"require": {
    "heavenconseil/socialcrawler": "dev-master"

After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:, (*4)

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Example usage


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use SocialCrawler\Crawler;
use SocialCrawler\Channel\Channel;

$crawler = new Crawler(array(
    'channels'  => array(
        'FacebookChannel'   => array(
            'id'        => 'YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_ID',
            'secret'    => 'YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET',
            'token'     => 'YOUR_FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN',
            'media'     => Channel::MEDIA_IMAGES_VIDEOS,
            'since'     => '1391425325'
        'InstagramChannel'  => array(
            'id'        => 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_ID',
            'media'     => Channel::MEDIA_VIDEOS
        'TwitterChannel'    => array(
            'id'        => 'YOUR_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY',
            'secret'    => 'YOUR_TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET',
            'media'     => Channel::MEDIA_IMAGES
        'YoutubeChannel'    => array(
            'media'     => Channel::MEDIA_IMAGES
        'GooglePlusChannel' => array(
            'id'        => 'YOUR_GOOGLEPLUS_APP_ID',
            'media'     => Channel::MEDIA_IMAGES
    'log'       => array(
        'path'  => __DIR__,
        'level' => Crawler::LOG_VERBOSE
$data = $crawler->fetch('#hashtag'); // Fetch a specific hashtag
$data = $crawler->fetch(array('#hashtag1', '#hashtag2')); // Fetch multiple hashtags
$data = $crawler->fetch('from:{user}'); // Fetch content from a specific user (Username for Twitter, User ID for Instagram, Google+ and Facebook)
$data = $crawler->fetch('user:{user}', true); // Fetch user informations with raw data

SocialCrawler can be initialized with an Array of channels, each item containing at least an id property and identified by the name of the class that will handle the operations. The log options are optional. By default a socialcrawler.log file will be created in the SocialCrawler directory., (*5)

The output generated by SocialCrawler will look like this:, (*6)

    'FacebookChannel': {
        'new_since': '...',
        'data': [
                'id': '...',
                'created_at': '...',
                'description': '...',
                'link': '...',
                'author': {
                    'id': '...',
                    'avatar': '...',
                    'fullname': '...',
                    'username': '...' // Will return fullname if username is not set
                'thumb': '...',
                'source': '...',
                'type': 'image|video|text',
                'raw': { } // The raw data returned by the social network API
    'InstagramChannel': { },
    'TwitterChannel': { },
    'YoutubeChannel': { },
    'GooglePlusChannel': { }

Support for more social networks

You can easily support more services (say, Tumblr for example) by adding a new TumblrChannel that extends the abstract class Channel. It should have at least these public methods with the following signatures:, (*7)

 __construct($applicationId, $applicationSecret = null, $applicationToken = null)
 fetch($query, $type, $since = null, $pIncludeRaw = false)

You can benefit from the Guzzle HTTP framework for your Channel as it's already used by SocialCrawler., (*8)

The Versions