ACF Code Helper
This is a small helper library, whose purpose is to ease your field creation process when using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to register fields via PHP., (*1)
Normally, ACF allows you to create fields via PHP, as you can read at However, this process requires you to have a unique field key for each field, which is afterwards used in conditional logic statements and generally, this can be quite inconvinient., (*2)
This helper assists you by automatically generating field keys based on the name of a fields group and the name of the current field., (*3)
One of my other plugins, the Twig Framework for WordPress is a perfect match for this plugin, as the framework has built-in support for content blocks, widgets and more, which rely on this class., (*4)
- Download the repository as a .zip file and install as a plugin.
- Create some groups.
Please check the Wiki of the project., (*5)
The framework is being developed by me, Radoslav Georgiev, web developer at DigitalWerk., (*6)