Smarty Bootstrap Theme for CakePHP BaseKit
Uni Kassel users plugin for BaseKit
CakeDC Users wrapper for BaseKit CakePHP Plugin
Construct plugin for CakePHP
Liberty plugin for CakePHP
Partial plugin for CakePHP
CakePHP Plugin for ElasticSearch
Bugsnag Notifier for CakePHP applications
Behavior for registering hits
Permissions component
Asset Helper permet de charger les fichier css et javascrit provenant d'un répertoire choisi. AssetHelper Labelsuisse/AssetHelper plugin for CakePHP
Labelsuisse plugin for CakePHP. Minify css and javascript files.
Pivot plugin for CakePHP
Schema saving and loading from file for CakePHP 3.0
Payroll plugin for CakePHP
AutoFilter plugin for CakePHP
MyBakeTemplate plugin for CakePHP
Line Bot API Callback plugin for CakePHP
A plugin to enable and disable maintenance mode for CakePHP
Mandrill Email Transport for CakePHP 3
PluginManager plugin for CakeAdmin and CakePHP 3.x
FieldTypes plugin for CakePHP. CakeAdmin compatible.
Resize plugin for CakePHP
CakeMonga plugin for CakePHP
Utility for creating Menu Links in Croogo
Croogo Plugin to add Images to Nodes
Bootstrap-4 plugin for CakePHP-3
Toolkit plugin for CakePHP-3
A CakePHP 3 plugin that enhances Cake's stock AuthComponent to provide a userEntity() method.
Provides a simple mechanism for seeding data into a CakePHP application's database.
A CakePHP plugin that provides a Shell to read an app's Configure vars from the command line.
CakePHP 3.x Plugin to set Creator and Modifier automagic fields during save.
The LibRegistry provides a mechanism for loading and storing instances of non-Cake PHP libraries. It works a lot like Cake 3's TableRegistry. Object instances can be requested by name and instantiated automatically, or can be loaded into the registry manually.
CakePHP 3.x bake generation theme that matches Loadsys' code sniffer standards.
Used to serialize CakePHP Errors and Exceptions, primarily as HTML, JSON or JSON API.
A replacement CakePHP Authentication/Authorization Component that is fully and strictly stateless. Designed to be used with Cake apps that are only accessed RESTfully.
An incredibly simple Shell that exposes the String::uuid() method to the command line. Convenient for generating new IDs in bulk for seed or development data that use UUIDs as primary keys.
A CakePHP Presenter/Decorator Plugin
A solution to serialize CakePHP response to JSON and correspondingly deserialize JSON into CakePHP data arrays, designed primarily around building REST APIs with Ember and Ember Data.
A CakePHP Plugin for adding automatic XML and HTML Sitemaps to an app
Adds fields to a model for saving social links, eg. Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
CakePHP plugin including a new authorize class for the Acl component.
A CakePHP forum plugin.
Tema padrão do portal loopimó
Flexible and rock solid audit log tracking plugin for cakephp
Queue, preview and and send emails stored in the database
Provides custom Fixture classes to help managing test fixtures in pure SQL
Gearman utilities for CakePHP
CakePHP Webhook event handler for SendGrid
CakePHP logstash log stream