2017 © Pedro Peláez

cakephp-plugin cakephp-ip-type

IpType plugin for CakePHP



IpType plugin for CakePHP

  • Monday, March 14, 2016
  • by TheFRedFox
  • Repository
  • 1 Watchers
  • 6 Stars
  • 160 Installations
  • PHP
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  • 2 Versions
  • 1 % Grown


IpType plugin for CakePHP


An Ip Type for the Database Framework of CakePHP, which converts raw ip addresses represented as human readable strings (, ::1) to byte strings with inet_pton to store them into a database., (*1)

The final converted value for the database is meant to be stored as a LOB value. I used a VARBINARY with 16 bytes. It is long enough for also IPv6 addresses., (*2)

The class was written for an application for InnoGames GmbH. The permission was given to make this class public., (*3)


You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer., (*4)

The recommended way to install composer packages is:, (*5)

``` php composer require thefredfox/cakephp-ip-type, (*6)

After that you have to load the plugin in your application's bootstrap file and map the type for the database as follows: ``` php // in bootstrap file Plugin::load('IpType'); Type::map('ip', 'IpType\Database\Type\IpType');

In the Table class itself you have to tell the column to be this type:, (*7)

``` php // in your Entity Table class (eg. UsersTable), (*8)

use Cake\Database\Schema\Table as Schema;, (*9)

protected function _initializeSchema(Schema $schema) { $schema->columnType('ip', 'ip'); return $schema; }, (*10)

## Configuration The default function for encoding and decoding is 'inet_pton' resp. 'inet_ntop'. However it is possible to set the encode (toDatabase) and decode (toPHP) methods as callables. Is the variable not a callable an ```\UnexpectedValueException``` will be thrown with the message: 'Could not decode the value, IpType::_decode has to be a callable.' resp. '... encode ... IpType::_encode ...'. ### Method Strings ``` php // in bootstrap file /** @var IpType $ipType */ $ipType = Type::build('ip'); $ipType->_encode = 'ip2long'; // using global ip2long method for encoding (just IPv4 support) $ipType->_decode = 'long2ip'; // using global long2ip method for decoding (just IPv4 support)

Custom Functions

``` php // in bootstrap file, (*11)

/** @var IpType $ipType */ $ipType = Type::build('ip'); $ipType->_encode = function ($value) { return $value . '1'; // just concatenate a '1' at the end, for what reason ever }; $ipType->_decode = function ($value) { return $value; };, (*12)

### Static Functions of a Class ``` php class TestClass { public static function staticEncode($value) { /*...*/ } public static function staticDecode($value) { /*...*/ } } /** @var IpType $ipType */ $ipType = Type::build('ip'); $ipType->_encode = 'TestClass::staticEncode'; $ipType->_decode = 'TestClass::staticDecode';

Non Static Functions of a Class via Wrapper Function

``` php class TestClass { public function encode($value) { /.../ } public function decode($value) { /.../ } }, (*13)

/** @var IpType $ipType */ $ipType = Type::build('ip'); $ipType->_encode = function ($value) { $object = new TestClass(); return $object->encode($value); }; $ipType->_decode = function ($value) { $object = new TestClass(); return $object->decode($value); }; ```, (*14)


The final converted value for the database is meant to be stored as a LOB value. I used a VARBINARY with 16 bytes. It is long enough for also IPv6 addresses., (*15)

The Versions

14/03 2016


9999999-dev http://github.com/thefredfox/cakephp-ip-type

IpType plugin for CakePHP

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The Requires


The Development Requires

by Avatar TheFRedFox

database cakephp ip type

04/12 2015

3.0 http://github.com/thefredfox/cakephp-ip-type

IpType plugin for CakePHP

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The Requires


by Avatar TheFRedFox

database cakephp ip type