LESS Helper
This little Helper converts your .less files into .css without relying on Node.js or client-side parsing.
Everything is compiled on the server, cached, and served as regular css through PHP., (*1)
Forked from flug/CakeLess because of leafo/lessphp doesn't compatible with Twitter Bootstrap 3. Now
oyejorge/less.php is using instead, (*2)
Git Submodule
In your cakephp's root directory type, (*3)
git submodule add https://github.com/SongPhi/cake-lessphp.git app/Plugin/CakeLess
git submodule init
git submodule update
Git clone
In your cakephp's root directory type, (*4)
git clone https://github.com/SongPhi/cake-lessphp.git app/Plugin/CakeLess
In your root cakephp, edit your composer.json to fit:, (*5)
"require": {
"composer/installers": "*",
"songphi/cakephp-less": "dev-master",
"oyejorge/less.php": "~1.7"
"extra": {
"installer-paths": {
"app/Plugin/{$name}/": ["songphi/cakephp-less"]
Plugin Loading
In your app/Config/bootstrap.php add this line:, (*6)
It doesn't need if you already have this line:, (*7)
Create cache and less folders
- Create a folder
- Create a folder
- Apply
chmod 777
to your css
folder. (The Less Helper will place all compiled css files in your css-directory)
Where you want to use LESS files, add the helper. Usually this will be your AppController
., (*8)
public $helpers = array('CakeLess.Less');
Next, simply add the less files to your views:, (*9)
echo $this->Less->css('yourfile');
or if the less file is located in the webroot of a plugin, (*10)
echo $this->Less->css('yourfile',array('plugin' => 'PluginFolderName'));
or, (*11)
echo $this->Less->css(array(