9999999-devFieldTypes plugin for CakePHP. CakeAdmin compatible.
The Requires
- php >=5.4.16
- cakephp/cakephp ~3.0
The Development Requires
FieldTypes plugin for CakePHP. CakeAdmin compatible.
Note: This is a non-stable plugin for CakePHP 3.x at this time. It is currently under development and should be considered experimental., (*1)
You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer., (*2)
The recommended way to install composer packages is:, (*3)
composer require leoruhland/cakephp-fieldtypes
Now load the plugin with the command:, (*4)
bin/cake plugin load -r -b FieldTypes
You can use the FieldTypes extending core FormHelper with BootstrapUI.Form
then setting the widgets you want to use., (*5)
$this->loadHelper('Form', [ 'className' => 'BootstrapUI.Form', 'widgets' => [ //Date 'flatpickr' => ['FieldTypes\View\Widget\FlatpickrWidget', '_view'], 'bootstrap-datepicker' => ['FieldTypes\View\Widget\BootstrapDatepickerWidget', '_view'], 'bootstrap-datetimepicker' => ['FieldTypes\View\Widget\BootstrapDatetimepickerWidget', '_view'], //Color 'bootstrap-colorpicker' => ['FieldTypes\View\Widget\BootstrapColorpickerWidget', '_view'], //Number 'bootstrap-touchspin' => ['FieldTypes\View\Widget\BootstrapTouchspinWidget', '_view'], //Boolean 'bootstrap-switch' => ['FieldTypes\View\Widget\BootstrapSwitchWidget', '_view'], //Content 'summernote' => ['FieldTypes\View\Widget\SummernoteWidget', '_view'], 'wysiwygjs' => ['FieldTypes\View\Widget\WysiwygjsWidget', '_view'], //Select 'bootstrap-select' => ['FieldTypes\View\Widget\BootstrapSelectWidget', '_view'], 'select2' => ['FieldTypes\View\Widget\Select2Widget', '_view'], //Other 'stringtoslug' => ['FieldTypes\View\Widget\StringToSlugWidget', '_view'], 'textcount' => ['FieldTypes\View\Widget\TextCounterWidget', '_view'], ] ]);
You can override default widgets too., (*6)
$this->loadHelper('Form', [ 'className' => 'BootstrapUI.Form', 'widgets' => [ 'date' => ['FieldTypes\View\Widget\FlatpickrWidget', '_view'], 'select' => ['FieldTypes\View\Widget\Select2Widget', '_view'] ] ]);
And then, using it:, (*7)
$this->Form->input('some_field', ['type' => 'summernote']);
It also works nice with CakeAdmin formFields., (*8)
public function postType() { return [ 'formFields' => [ 'some_field' => [ 'type' => 'summernote', ], ] ]; };
'type' => 'select2'
, (*9)
'type' => 'select2', 'multiple' => true
, (*10)
'type' => 'summernote'
, (*11)
'type' => 'datepicker'
, (*12)
'type' => 'colorpicker'
, (*13)
'type' => 'touchspin'
, (*14)
'type' => 'toggle'
, (*15)
The plugin is CakeAdmin compatible!, (*16)
FieldTypes plugin for CakePHP. CakeAdmin compatible.