CakePHP 3 cake-variable-cache
, (*1)
This plugin is designed to asynchronously execute calculations that take a long amount of time and save the results (e.g.: Statistics)., (*2)
It allows you to create a simple list of variables that are to be calculated every n-amount of time., (*3)
It also supports dependent variables (e.g.: variable bar
requires variable foo
to be calculated first)., (*4)
1. require the plugin in your composer.json
"require": {
"jonathan-neugber/cake-variable-cache": "dev-master",
2. Include the plugin using composer
Open a terminal in your project-folder and run these commands:, (*5)
$ composer update
$ composer install
3. Load the plugin in your config/bootstrap.php
Plugin::load('VariableCache', ['bootstrap' => true]);
4. Add configuration to your config/app.php
use Josegonzalez\CakeQueuesadilla\Queue\Queue;
use VariableCache\Lib\Engine\DatabaseCacheProvider;
use VariableCache\Lib\QueuesadillaCallbacks;
use VariableCache\Model\Entity\CachedVariable;
'VariableCache' => [
'DataProvider' => [
'className' => DatabaseCacheProvider::class
'Queue' => [
'callback' => function (CachedVariable $variable) {
return Queue::push([
], [
'name' => $variable->name
'variables' => []
5. Migrations
Open a terminal in your project-folder and run this command:, (*6)
$ bin/cake migrations migrate --source=../vendor/jonathan-neugber/cake-variable-cache/config/Migrations/
Usage / Example
1. Create a callback
Lets say you want to calculate a statistic:, (*7)
class Statistic
public static function calculateStatistic($name, $amount)
return 20000 * $amount;
2. Create a config
In the VariableCache.variables
section of the configuration add the following:, (*8)
'foo' => [
'callback' => ['\Statistics', 'calculateStatistic'],
'interval' => '5 minutes',
'args' => [
200 // this will be passed as the first argument
'variables' => [
'bar' => [
'callback' => ['\Statistics', 'calculateStatistic'],
'interval' => '30 seconds',
'args' => [
3. Import the config
Open a terminal in your project-folder and run this command:, (*9)
$ bin/cake VariableCache.CachedVariables update
This will create the cached variables in the Database., (*10)
4. Run the queues
Execute the following commands in parallel in a terminal in your project-folder and run this command:, (*11)
$ bin/cake VariableCache.CachedVariables
and, (*12)
$ bin/cake queuesadilla
5. Access the variable
$foo = CachedVariableUtility::get('foo');
$foo->content; // value
OR, (*13)
$data = CachedVariableUtility::getMultiple(['foo', 'bar']);
OR, (*14)
// Returns an array with name => value
$data = CachedVariableUtility::getAsKeyValue(['foo', 'bar']);
The DynamicCalculationTrait
allows you to easily create a library of callbacks for cached variables.
Using DynamicCalculationTrait::calculate()
as the callback will automatically call
the function calculate<CachedVariableName>
in the class., (*15)
class Statistic
use DynamicCalculationTrait;
public static function calculateFoo($amount)
return 20000 * $amount;
public static function calculateBar($amount)
return CachedVariableUtility::get('foo')->content * $amount;
'foo' => [
'callback' => ['\Statistics', 'calculate'],
'interval' => '5 minutes',
'args' => [
200 // this will be passed as the first argument
'variables' => [
'bar' => [
'callback' => ['\Statistics', 'calculate'],
'interval' => '30 seconds',
'args' => [
This will reset all main cached variables so that a new execution is required., (*16)
$ bin/cake VariableCache.CachedVariables reset
- Write more tests
- Use mock class for CacheProviderInterface
- Test Cache Providers separately
- Update documentation