Converts a slug into a safe to use css class
In most web apps you will be using a slug to uniquely identify an article or item from the database. This gives you a clean way to access the item in the url. However, in CSS classes are not allowed to start with a number. This is a simple helper which will convert any slug which begins with a number into a safe string which can be used for a css class., (*1)
Looking for CakePHP 3? Try this,, (*2)
Article Title: "99 Ways to solve a puzzle" Slug: "99-ways-to-solve-a-puzzle" Unsafe css: "99-ways-to-solve-a-puzzle" Safe: "ninety-nine-ways-to-solve-a-puzzle"
You will need to put the code in your app/Plugin/CssSafeSlug
, and load the plugin in your app/bootstrap.php
using CakePlugin::load('CssSafeSlug');
., (*3)
It is also available on Composer. composer require davidyell/css-safe-slug
, (*4)
You can call the helper in your view., (*5)
<div class="article <?php echo $this->CssClass->convert($article['Article']['slug']);?>">
I couple this up with the CakeDC/Utils::Sluggable behaviour., (*6)