9999999-dev plugin to handle paypal web payments pro
The Requires
by Chris Pierce
cakephp paypal webpaymentspro wpp
CakePHP plugin to handle paypal web payments pro
CakePHP 2.x Component for interfacing with Paypal WPP, (*1)
Load plugin in your APP and enable it by using the following bootstrap.php config:, (*2)
Configure your account by opening the Config/paypal.php file as follows, (*3)
$config = [ 'paypal' => [ 'username' => '', 'password' => 'THGSWS658IKUN79S', 'signature' => 'AFYn4irhcVyzOOiJkc.H2zPIuztlArzO7mr5uXMO6DLICAE85JF.H5PPp', 'endpoint' => '', 'version' => '53.0', ], ];
Load the Component into the controller of your choice., (*4)
public $components = [ 'PaypalWPP.PaypalWPP', ];
Next urlencode your data and send it to the component using a method and an nvp. For doing payments using DoDirectPayment ( the following example would work:, (*5)
/** * Add Method. */ public function add() { if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) { $firstName = urlencode($this->request->data['Sale']['first_name']); $lastName = urlencode($this->request->data['Sale']['last_name']); $creditCardType = $this->request->data['Sale']['card_type']; $creditCardNumber = $this->request->data['Sale']['card_number']; $expDateMonth = $this->request->data['Sale']['exp']['month']; $padDateMonth = str_pad($expDateMonth, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $expDateYear = $this->request->data['Sale']['exp']['year']; $cvv2Number = $this->request->data['Sale']['cvv2']; $amount = $this->request->data['Sale']['amount']; $nvp = '&PAYMENTACTION=Sale'; $nvp .= '&AMT=' . $amount; $nvp .= '&CREDITCARDTYPE=' . $creditCardType; $nvp .= '&ACCT=' . $creditCardNumber; $nvp .= '&CVV2=' . $cvv2Number; $nvp .= '&EXPDATE=' . $padDateMonth.$expDateYear; $nvp .= '&FIRSTNAME=' . $firstName; $nvp .= '&LASTNAME=' . $lastName; $nvp .= '&COUNTRYCODE=US&CURRENCYCODE=USD'; $response = $this->PaypalWPP->wpp_hash('DoDirectPayment', $nvp); if ($response['ACK'] == 'Success') { $this->Session->setFlash('Payment Successful'); } else { $this->Session->setFlash('Payment Failed'); } debug($response); } }
Other Methods can be found at, (*6)
CakePHP plugin to handle paypal web payments pro
cakephp paypal webpaymentspro wpp