9999999-dev Plugin with a collection of Annotations to use
The Requires
- php >=5.3.0
- composer/installers *
- doctrine/annotations 1.0
cakephp meta annotation
CakePHP Plugin with a collection of Annotations to use
Annotations in CakePHP., (*1)
CobaiaAnnotations make usage of composer, so download composer and create your app/composer.json
, (*2)
{ "name": "testing", "require": { "php": ">=5.3.0", "cakephp/debug_kit" : "*", "cobaia/cobaia-annotation": "dev-master" }, "minimum-stability": "dev" }
It's time to running composer.phar install
, (*3)
After install it's time to load the plugin, open app/Config/bootstrap.php
, (*4)
CakePlugin::load('CobaiaAnnotation', array('bootstrap' => true)); //register filter Configure::write('Dispatcher.filters', array( 'AssetDispatcher', 'CacheDispatcher', 'CobaiaAnnotation.AnnotationDispatcher' ));
<?php App::uses('AppController', 'Controller'); use CobaiaAnnotation\Configuration\Controller\ParamConverter; class ContentsController extends AppController { /** * @ParamConverter("content", class="Content") */ public function view($content = 1) { var_dump($content); } }
ParamConverter will automatically converts the action paramter to data that is in the database., (*5)
So for example, using param coverter: call: /contents/view/20, (*6)
It would be the same as, (*7)
$content = $this->Content->read(null, $content);
<?php App::uses('AppController', 'Controller'); use CobaiaAnnotation\Configuration\Controller\ViewHandler; /** * @ViewHandler(layout="ajax") */ class ContentsController extends AppController { /** * @ViewHandler(view="show") */ public function view() { } /** * @ViewHandler(layout="default") */ public function index() { } }
ViewHandler will take care of your view, forget about $this->layout
, $this->render()
, just define in the annotation what layout you want to use and also what view, and that's it., (*8)
It makes also inheritance so if you define one layout or view in the class DocBlock, the actions will inherit the value., (*9)
<?php App::uses('AppController', 'Controller'); use CobaiaAnnotation\Configuration\Controller\Loader\ModelLoader; use CobaiaAnnotation\Configuration\Controller\Loader\ComponentLoader; use CobaiaAnnotation\Configuration\Controller\Loader\HelperLoader; /** * @ModelLoader({"Content", "Fake"}) * @ComponentLoader({"Session", "RequestHandler"}) * @HelperLoader({"Text", "Time", "Number"}) */ class ContentsController extends AppController { public function view($content = 1) { } }
@Model, @Component, @Helper will handle to you the load of models, components and helpers, not needed anymore put the attribute of class in your code., (*10)
Licensed under The MIT License Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice., (*11)
VinĂcius Krolow - krolow[at], (*12)
CakePHP Plugin with a collection of Annotations to use
cakephp meta annotation