, (*1)
wrapper for propay SOAP service in cakephp. Source WSDL is located at http://protectpay.propay.com/API/SPS.svc?wsdl. However to test your implementation you must use their test service located at http://protectpaytest.propay.com/api/sps.svc?wsdl, (*2)
Add the plugin to your project's composer.json
- something like this:, (*3)
"require": {
"clawsonm/cakephp-propay": "dev-master"
Because this plugin has the type cakephp-plugin
set in its own composer.json
, Composer will install it inside your /Plugins
directory, rather than in the usual vendors file. It is recommended that you add /Plugins/ProPay
to your .gitignore file. (Why? read this.), (*4)
You must also generate the SOAP Client classes, (*5)
or specify a path as the first parameter e.g., (*6)
Plugin/ProPay/setup.sh Plugin/ProPay/generated
NOTE: setup.sh uses the production WSDL URL. It assumes that you will specify the correct URL, test or production in your code, see below., (*7)
Non Composer
You must generate the SOAP client with wsdl2phpgenerator from http://github.com/wsdl2phpgenerator/wsdl2phpgenerator. If you use Composer it should already be downloaded by composer. Place the generated code in generated/., (*8)
e.g. Run:, (*9)
./vender/bin/wsdl2php -i http://protectpay.propay.com/API/SPS.svc?wsdl -o generated/
./vender/bin/wsdl2php -i http://protectpaytest.propay.com/api/sps.svc?wsdl -o generated/
Please bootstrap the plugin when you load it. e.g.:, (*10)
CakePlugin::load('ProPay', array('bootstrap' => true));
This is the WSDL URL used by the SOAP client to determine the correct URL to communicate with., (*11)
This allows you to set a path to the generated SOAP client files for the autoloader (which is loaded in the plugin's bootstrap) to use., (*12)
This is your ProPay Authentication Token. If you use ProPay you know what this is. Please do not include this in your repo. Put it in a separate file that you exclude from your repo., (*13)
This is your ProPay BillerAccountId. If you use ProPay you know what this is. Please do not include this in your repo. Put it in a separate file that you exclude from your repo., (*14)
MIT License, (*15)
See LICENSE file., (*16)