Sitemap plugin for CakePHP
, (*1)
The Sitemap plugin is a CakePHP wrapper around Cartographer library.
It makes it very easy to generate sitemap. The Sitemap plugin can handle Sitemaps of more than 50,000 entries.
Also it iterates over table records instead of retrieving all records at once., (*2)
- PHP 5.4+
- CakePHP 3.0
- Cartographer Library (included as composer dependency)
You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer., (*3)
composer require adnan0703/Sitemap
How to use it
For example if you want to generate sitemap of Posts model, you need to define sitemapQuery
method in Posts table class
and sitemapEntry
virtual property in entity class of Posts model. The sitemapQuery
method must return Query
object and
must be an array
containing at least url
key., (*4)
With sitemapQuery
method you can control records that will be added to sitemap and with sitemapEntry
virtual property
you can control properties of sitemap entry.
``` php
// in Posts table class
public function sitemapQuery()
return $this->find()
->select(['id', 'name'])
->where(['published' => true]);
}, (*5)
``` php
// in Posts entity class
protected function _getSitemapEntry()
return [
'url' => $url, // required
'changefreq' => 'weekly', // optional
'priority' => '0.8', // optional
Now we can generate sitemap of Posts model as shown in code below.
``` php
set_time_limit(60*10); // if you have lots of records
$models = ['Posts'];
$dirPath = WWW_ROOT . DS . 'sitemaps';
$sitemap = new \Adnan0703\Sitemap\Lib\Sitemap();
$mainSitemap = $sitemap->createSitemap(
// $mainSitemap will be '', (*6)
You can also add Pages controller urls and other urls in sitemap.
``` php
Configure::write('Sitemap.pages', [
'url' => Router::url(['controller' => 'Pages', 'action' => 'home'], true),
'priority' => '0.9',
'changefreq' => 'daily'
'url' => Router::url(['controller' => 'Pages', 'action' => 'about_us'], true),
'priority' => '0.9',
'changefreq' => 'daily'
Configuration Options
Sitemap plugin has two configuration options.
and Sitemap.findLimit
. Sitemap.pages
option has been explained above. With Sitemap.findLimit
you can
limit the number of records Sitemap retrieves at a time while iterating over table.
Configure::write('Sitemap.findLimit', 600);
, (*7)
For bugs and feature requests, please use the issues section of this repository., (*8)
Contributing to this Plugin
Please feel free to contribute to the plugin with new issues, requests, unit tests and code fixes or new features., (*9)
Copyright 2015, Adnan Aslam, (*10)
Licensed under The MIT License
Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice., (*11)