PHP implementation of Vue.js templating engine
In libraryA tool for specifying Drupal architecture details and generating automated tests for them
In behat-extensionA safe unserializer for PHP serialized arrays and scalar types.
In libraryA simple Symfony bundle that adds boolean form field type.
In symfony-bundleA filtering implementation for verifying correct data and performing typical modifications to data
In libraryChecks if any composer packages needs to be updated.
In silverstripe-vendormodulePHP classes generated from the GTFS-realtime protocol buffer specification.
In librarySymfony Framework extensions and rules for PHPStan
In libraryProvides information if your SilverStripe application uses dependencies with known vulnerabilities.
In silverstripe-vendormoduleTwig functions that return a package version by using PackageVersions library by Marco Pivetta
In libraryeZ Platform Standard Design Bundle
In ezplatform-bundleSmile ElasticSuite - Magento B2B Quick Order Support.
In magento2-moduleDpendency injection container wrapper interface library
In libraryAllows to create translation labels in BE module
In typo3-cms-extensionLinkifies package tracking numbers for DHL, FedEx, UPS, and USPS
In libraryA Yii2 widget for outdated-browser
In yii2-extensionFMDataAPI is a class developed by PHP to access FileMaker database with FileMaker Data API.
In libraryJust a few tools to help avoid annoying things such as long logic where it should be simple.
In libraryA lightweight, dependency free PHP class that acts as wrapper for ProxyCrawl API
In libraryFieldPalette is a contao widget like MultiColumnWizard with its own database table.
In contao-bundleManages integration with the MixPanel system
In symfony-bundleSilverStripe integration with
In silverstripe-moduleAn integration of JMS Serializer with Laravel!
In libraryYet antoher module for the Magento 2 integration with Bugsnag service.
In magento2-componentOpis Data Store is a library for storing and fetching structured collections of data.
In librarySocial media integration for Magento 2
In magento2-moduleBiblioteca de validação de dados Brasileiros: CPF, CNPJ, Celular, Cartão de Crédito, CNH, NIS (PIS/PASEP/NIT), Título de Eleitor, DDD e UF.
In libraryPayssion driver for the Omnipay payment processing library
In libraryMore info available on:
In librarySymfony 2/3/4 bundle for encrypt data with openssl library
In libraryMakes it easy to use standalone chromedriver with facebook/webdriver
In libraryA pack for using the AMQP transport with Symfony Messenger
In symfony-packAdd logging to registeraddress to full fill law needs
In typo3-cms-extensionApplication maintenance mode for the lumen-framework
In libraryActivity logger component for Nette Framework
In libraryPrevents update conflicts using the optimistic lock pattern in Laravel
In libraryEnables PHP applications to communicate with the Bigcommerce API.
In libraryDigitalOcean API v2 PHP 5.4+ library curtsy: toin0u/digitalocean-v2
In libraryInstamojo API v1.1 driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library: credit : gentor/omnipay-instamojo
In libraryA PSR-3 logger implementation logging to slack
In libraryThis extension provides more privacy when embedding videos in frontend.
In typo3-cms-extensionCrowdFusion plugin that provides integration with Apple News services.
In crowdfusion-pluginReader for XMP data containing properties relevant to images
In libraryA module manager for Zend Framework which can be used to create configs per domain.
In libraryYet another collection of Value Object implementation in PHP.
In libraryThis Module Adds Functinalty to Add Hover Image to Products
In libraryVery simple logger for monitoring the use of your application
In libraryBundle for Symfony 4
In symfony-bundlePHPTAL is a templating engine for PHP that implements Zope Page Templates syntax
In libraryFormatter for creating complex mailto: links
In libraryA module for voting on a Page OR a Comment
In silverstripe-vendormoduleUsers management for Symfony 4 projects.
In symfony-bundlePHP SDK for Watson so that the developer could apply Watson quickly in PHP applications
In libraryAdds direct links to various Flarum actions
In flarum-extensionSimple package that allows you to associate views with Eloquent models
In libraryDatatrans Gateway for the Omnipay payment processing library
In libraryEnqueue adapter for Symfony Messenger component
In symfony-bundleKlarna ordermanagement as a package for our Klarna plugins.
In libraryBasic symfony service wrapper for Intervention Image
In symfony-bundleSwift Codes or BIC Codes for all the Banks in the world. Cached to json.
In libraryEasy to use base-package made for developing CLI-Applications in Magento 2
In magento2-moduleThis bundle implements a sso google authentication via oauth2
In symfony-bundleforked from kenwheeler/slick to be used as drupal-library
In drupal-libraryDrupal 8. Plugin in the root libraries folder (/libraries).
In drupal-libraryA better way to connect data with view rendering in Laravel
In librarySet your SQL database on fire by making it into a NoSQL database.
In libraryCollection of useful components for create rich internet applications, such as CRM and ERP systems
In yii2-extensionModern copy to clipboard. No Flash. Just 3kb gzipped
In componentRSA Based Signature Algorithms the JWT Framework.
In libraryHMAC Based Signature Algorithms the JWT Framework.
In libraryEdDSA Signature Algorithm the JWT Framework.
In libraryECDSA Based Signature Algorithms the JWT Framework.
In libraryProvides a Laravel 5 service provider, facade and config file for the SendinBlue's API v3 official PHP library.
In librarySet default payment method, Google Search Address in shipping address.
In magento2-moduleVarnish admin socket for executing varnishadm CLI commands
In libraryLaravel CRUD Reverse Scaffold Generator
In libraryThis package for response of api in standard type
In libraryOverride application config values with values, stored in database
In libraryA RebelCode module that adds EDD cart bookings functionality to EDD Bookings.
In rc-moduleNone Signature Algorithm the JWT Framework.
In libraryA converter for strings in most popular cases
In libraryHandle easypost webhooks in a Laravel application
In libraryThe Kunstmaan Cookie Bundle provides a cookie bar; detailed pop-up window and a similar page explaining each type of cookie used on the website.
In symfony-bundleA simple PHP class to encrypt a string and decrypt an encrypted string
In libraryThe LUYA Privacy extension provides helpers for privacy.
In luya-extensionA collection of useful classes to help making Laravel applications easier
In libraryVuex/Axios/Pusher store to enable SPAs to work with remote data without needing to interact with Ajax
In libraryA package that enables using MJML with Laravel Mailables.
In librarySlack notification for Laravel as it should be.
In libraryExtending Laravel Collections with useful functionality.
In libraryAutomatically rewrites the URLs of media and assets to use a CDN
In silverstripe-vendormoduleUsefull collections to use in daily bases
In libraryA basic script that returns the estimated reading time of some text.
In libraryFlysystem adapter for Google Drive with seamless virtual<=>display path translation
In libraryCollection of utility classes to work with DOMDocument
In librarySimple cron bundle for eZ Platform
In ezplatform-bundleReplacement package for Magento 2 Cron Functionality
In magento2-moduleAn exception logger for Laravel to log to Google Stackdriver
In laravelA hydrating proxy for objects with private properties
In libraryPost messages to your Slack channels with this easy to use library.
In libraryFetches a website (including all subpages), so the TYPO3 cache gets filled.
In typo3-cms-extensionEloquent eager loading fix for parameter limits of SQLite and SQL Server
In libraryPHP agnostic implementation for e.Rede RESTful payment processing.
In libraryA PHP interface for Online Invoice Data Reporting of Hungarian Tax Office (NAV)
In libraryToolset to help with the day by day maintenance work.
In silverstripe-vendormoduleA simple PHP library for displaying the Github Octicons font icons in svg format.
In libraryA speed layer that enables batch loading, de-duplication, and caching for efficient data fetching over any storage backend.
In libraryBootstrap datetimepicker widget for Yii 2, based on Eonasdan/bootstrap-datetimepicker.
In yii2-extensionAllows the purge/clear/flush of the PHP OpCache via the CLI and Magento2 Backend
In magento2-moduleProper string and collection implementation for PHP
In libraryInstaller for eZ Platform Enterprise Edition
In libraryDeterministic one-way encryption of unique sensitive data.
In libraryA plugin for Magento 2 that outputs the PureChat javascript code into the website
In magento2-moduleFork of symfony 1.4 with dic, form enhancements, latest swiftmailer and better performance
In libraryeZ Platform Automated Translation Bundle provides interfaces to automatically translate a new content translation from different translation providers.
In ezplatform-bundleMagento2 Grumphp Conventions Checker
In libraryBust the Nginx FastCGI Cache when entries are saved or created.
In craft-pluginAllows users to self-register and self-delete an unite cms user account.
In symfony-bundleYii 2 Basic Project Template with extensions ready to use
In projectEasy to use, multi-language BIP39 implementation for PHP.
In libraryConfigurable library for periodic email sending
In libraryProtect backend and/or frontend login against brute-force attacks.
In typo3-cms-extensionContains the Zicht PHP coding standards, including phpcs ruleset
In libraryDo not use the package. It's only for study purspose of HTTP components with PHP. This component was built on top of guzzlehttp/psr7. Really if you use this package the Galaxy might explode.
In libraryA suite of tools to enhance robustness of laravel's migrations.
In libraryAn exception handler used to handle and parse all errors from the rest lib requests
In libraryDrupal Orange install profile with common modules.
In drupal-profileAutomatically open files in editor when Artisan make:* is executed
In libraryBasic Files Page functionality
In silverstripe-vendormoduleA fork of drupal project for Eelzee Solutions development. See also drupal-composer/drupal-project
In projectZend Framework 1 View_Helper_BaseUrl component
In libraryThis bundle provides an easy integration of for Contao 4.4.x and newer.
In contao-bundleEloquent Settings allows you to bind key-value pairs to any Laravel Eloquent model. It supports even casting for boolean, float or integer types.
In libraryREST API security bundle compatible with opstalent/apibundle
In symfony-bundleA Laravel/Lumen package for working with Google API services.
In libraryThis module provides the possibility to easily add a gallery to any DataObject. This module also provides a finished gallery page.
In silverstripe-vendormoduleChild theme for the Canada website of the Planet 4 Wordpress project
In wordpress-themeA set of compiler passes that connects all components together
In libraryPHP sandbox to execute a safe subset of the PHP programming language
In libraryThis extension minifies the output of TYPO3 generated pages.
In typo3-cms-extensionSASS color functions, maps and CSS used in DevIsCoding components. Can also be used quite effectively in any SASS where one desires an easy way to manage colors.
In libraryOrange Sms connector to the Sms Notificaiton module adapters.
In magento2-moduleA Laravel package that functions as a SAML Service Provder with the ability to connect to multiple Identity Providers
In libraryRuwork Doctrine Behaviors Bundle
In symfony-bundleGDPR compatible Cookie Consent widget allows the user to choose which kind of cookies they want to accept.
In yii2-extensionGDPR compliant cookie bar and consent checker
In silverstripe-vendormoduleMageHost_CacheBuster: Fix for JS and CSS files being cached in visitor's browser cache.
In magento-moduleZend Framework 1 Filter_Input component
In library中华人民共和国身份证(The identity card of the people's Republic of China)
In libraryZend Framework 1 EventManager component
In librarySchedule is a package that helps tracking schedules for your models. If you have workers in a company, you can set schedules for them and see their availability though the time.
In libraryBrowsable API for Laravel, based on Django REST Framework's Browsable API
In libraryRattacher un article ou une rubrique à plusieurs rubriques parentes
In spip-pluginThis Magento extensions aims to send an eamil to customer who abandoned their cart
In magento-moduleAn easy and clean way to manage application-level global constants
In libraryUltra lightweight JSON web token (JWT) library for PHP5.5+.
In libraryA Laravel 5 package to connect with BCoin ( full node API.
In libraryPost news to social media platforms
In typo3-cms-extensionA Laravel package for Saml2 integration as a SP (service provider) for multiple IDPs using subdomains based on OneLogin toolkit.
In libraryThis bundle helps to create dependent AJAX fields for Symfony forms
In symfony-bundlequerybuilder-like object to elasticsearch bool query object parser/transformer, for php
In libraryMagento2 Product Attachment Module
In magento2-moduleOpen source embeddable online markdown editor.
In drupal-libraryForm request is a package for Lumen that lets developer validate form requests like Laravel does.
In libraryLightweight JSON comment stripper library for PHP
In libraryBundle for Symfony 4
In symfony-bundleTYPO3 CMS extension for easy to use YouTube content elements with cover image and cover text.
In typo3-cms-extensionGestion de l'upload et du téléchargement de fichiers sur Cellar, technologie de Clever Cloud
In libraryThis module adds DataObjects to frontend search
In silverstripe-vendormoduleView and manage your Campaign Monitor subscriber lists in your Craft CMS control panel, add a subscribe form to your website for new subscribers.
In craft-pluginThe default Alara Laravel starting point.
In libraryA basic package to start building awesome Neos CMS websites based on Bootstrap v4
In neos-pluginGet track/album info of the current playing song
In projectDisplays current project version based on 'VERSION' file or GIT revision.
In typo3-cms-extensionEncrypt / Decrypt for PHP
In libraryOpenCensus Stackdriver Exporter for PHP
In libraryAdd schemaless attributes to Eloquent models
In libraryMulti curl SoapClient that allow to perform multiple requests to SoapServer
In libraryyii2的RBAC,基于角色的权限控制,扁平结构,容许一个用户有一个或多个角色的灵活配置,含菜单等等,支持多个子系统公用一个权限管理。
In libraryAn PHP 5 library for easy openid authentication. Works only as a consumer.
In libraryA pack for functional testing within a Symfony app
In symfony-packYii Framework Extension. EOAuthUserIdentity class implements IUserIdentity Yii interface and the OAuth protocol to authenticate a user. Based on Google's software.
In libraryFront-end preset for Agencms if you wish to use the default views and templates
In libraryLoad, modify and store html layouts from remote locally
In libraryAn easy to use and highly flexible ratings system.
In craft-pluginResponder Implementation for Laravel Projects
In libraryThese create commands helps you create empty commands, controllers, middleware, models and presenters so you can forget about writing boilerplate code
In libraryCore module of Saziks's CMS based on Yii2
In yii2-extensionOkta OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
In libraryA PHP code transformation toolkit based on 'PHP-Parser'
In libraryFake-Car is a Faker provider that generates fake car data for you.
In libraryAn API generator for Laravel, following the JSON standard 1.0 specifications.
In libraryFlexible and feature-complete PHP client library for Redis
In libraryDiscover IMAP/SMTP settings, authenticate via any email
In libraryaliyun oss filesystem storage for laravel 5+
In libraryZend Framework 1 component
In libraryZend Framework 1 Log_Writer_Db component
In libraryZend Framework 1 Controller_Action_Helper_AjaxContext component
In libraryHT PayWay payment plugin for Sylius applications
In sylius-pluginPerformance optimization plugin for WordPress
In wordpress-pluginMagento extension to integrate into the Communicator Platform.
In magento-moduleMailChimp integration for YeahCoach project
In yii2-extensionUtilities for easier HTTP caching in Symfony
In libraryThis is a TYPO3 CMS extension that provides various Fluid ViewHelpers to generate PDF documents.
In typo3-cms-extensionChecks the health of the Mautic instance.
In mautic-pluginHelper to resolve an address state after ZIP code and city
In libraryLTI Tool Provider library for Yii2
In yii2-extensionSimple library to connect to Kalin Setterberg's Marathon standard API.
In libraryA laravel admin theme made from the coreui static theme for bootstrap 4.
In libraryZend Framework 1 Ldap component
In libraryZend Framework 1 Validate_Db component
In libraryPHP CMS with an emphasis on flexibility and URL permanence.
In projectCountryCodes PHP Class to get array of countries with ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, ISO 3166-1 alpha-3, ISO 3166-1 numeric and ISD codes it can provide following information related to country
In libraryA Bundle which allows you to enable Multiupload in Sonata
In symfony-bundleA CakePHP plugin that makes email delivery using Postmark
In cakephp-pluginA set of custom fixers for PHP CS Fixer
In libraryInternetx API wrapper for laravel
In libraryZend Framework 1 Controller_Action_Helper_AutoComplete component
In libraryZend Framework 1 Auth_Adapter_Http component
In library