PHP implementation of Vue.js templating engine
In libraryA tool for specifying Drupal architecture details and generating automated tests for them
In behat-extensionA safe unserializer for PHP serialized arrays and scalar types.
In libraryA simple Symfony bundle that adds boolean form field type.
In symfony-bundleA filtering implementation for verifying correct data and performing typical modifications to data
In libraryChecks if any composer packages needs to be updated.
In silverstripe-vendormodulePHP classes generated from the GTFS-realtime protocol buffer specification.
In librarySymfony Framework extensions and rules for PHPStan
In libraryProvides information if your SilverStripe application uses dependencies with known vulnerabilities.
In silverstripe-vendormoduleTwig functions that return a package version by using PackageVersions library by Marco Pivetta
In libraryeZ Platform Standard Design Bundle
In ezplatform-bundleSmile ElasticSuite - Magento B2B Quick Order Support.
In magento2-moduleDpendency injection container wrapper interface library
In libraryAllows to create translation labels in BE module
In typo3-cms-extensionLinkifies package tracking numbers for DHL, FedEx, UPS, and USPS
In libraryA Yii2 widget for outdated-browser
In yii2-extensionFMDataAPI is a class developed by PHP to access FileMaker database with FileMaker Data API.
In libraryJust a few tools to help avoid annoying things such as long logic where it should be simple.
In libraryA lightweight, dependency free PHP class that acts as wrapper for ProxyCrawl API
In libraryFieldPalette is a contao widget like MultiColumnWizard with its own database table.
In contao-bundleManages integration with the MixPanel system
In symfony-bundleSilverStripe integration with
In silverstripe-moduleAn integration of JMS Serializer with Laravel!
In libraryYet antoher module for the Magento 2 integration with Bugsnag service.
In magento2-componentOpis Data Store is a library for storing and fetching structured collections of data.
In librarySocial media integration for Magento 2
In magento2-moduleBiblioteca de validação de dados Brasileiros: CPF, CNPJ, Celular, Cartão de Crédito, CNH, NIS (PIS/PASEP/NIT), Título de Eleitor, DDD e UF.
In libraryPayssion driver for the Omnipay payment processing library
In libraryMore info available on:
In librarySymfony 2/3/4 bundle for encrypt data with openssl library
In libraryMakes it easy to use standalone chromedriver with facebook/webdriver
In libraryA pack for using the AMQP transport with Symfony Messenger
In symfony-packAdd logging to registeraddress to full fill law needs
In typo3-cms-extensionApplication maintenance mode for the lumen-framework
In libraryActivity logger component for Nette Framework
In libraryPrevents update conflicts using the optimistic lock pattern in Laravel
In libraryEnables PHP applications to communicate with the Bigcommerce API.
In libraryDigitalOcean API v2 PHP 5.4+ library curtsy: toin0u/digitalocean-v2
In libraryInstamojo API v1.1 driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library: credit : gentor/omnipay-instamojo
In library